puffy cheeks

That's a good sign. Ducks can be tough, but sometimes by the time we see they are sick, we need to move quickly and it seems you are.

I am wracking my brain trying to think if there is anything else you could try that would be helpful before you can get the antibiotics.

Just tossing it out there - a little triple antibiotic ointment without painkiller around the base of his bill, where the feathers meet the bill. Might that deliver a little antibiotic to the site of the infection? An idea for your consideration.

Prayers for you all.
I might have to give that a try, thank you for your time, answers, and prayers I will be sure to let you know how things are going.
Okay so my boy way not any better this morning but he wasn't any worse , we gave him a shot of tylan about an hour ago so hopefully he will start feeling better soon.
Alright so I have a little bit of good news I went to give my boy another dose of antibiotics and I can already notice the swelling has started to go down on one side of his face. I really hope this works.
One of his cheeks is almost completely normal the other side has only went down a little. My 4 legged vet said maybe take a needle and see if we could draw some of the injection out but I don't know about that.

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