pullet laying on medicated started, edible egg?


Mad Scientist
14 Years
Jun 1, 2008
I just got my first egg and my pullets are on medicated starter still, is the egg edible?
Sure I never had any problems eating those medicated eggs. Be sure to start them on layer feed with your medicated starter so it would be an easy transition for the feed.

I am sure someone else would say otherwise.

Good luck!
Congrats on your first egg. Mine were also still on medicated starter/grower when they first laid. I didn't eat them but only because I am super sensitive and allergic to many medications and just didn't want to take the chance.
However, when I posed basically the same question I learned that lots of people do go ahead and eat them.
Does anyone know how long it takes the medicated stuff to get out of their system?
What is your feed medicated with?

If it is only amprolium. Eat away. It is only a thiamine blocker that inhibits growth of cocci so they can't reproduce. If the feed contains a sulfa drug, you only have to worry if you are super sensitive to sulfa drugs yourself. Else, no problem.
I agree with silkiechicken.
Eat the egg. Some starter/grower feed is medicated. I feed medicated starter/grower to my chicks and straight layer to my big girls. When the little girls start laying and if I have any starter/grower left, I mix it with the layer. I don't worry about it being medicated. The medication is sulfa based. Only a problem if you have alergies to sulfa.

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