Pullet with swollen face



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Premium Feather Member
7 Years
Aug 17, 2016
Yesterday I noticed that my Ayam Cemani pullet has swelling on one side of her face. I think she probably got bit by a spider or stung by a bee, but I'm kind of worried about her.

She also has kind of a limp, I think it's probably an injury, it looks like she is favoring one leg over the other.

Her face could be a sinus infection from a respiratory disease, but sometimes an insect or spider bite can cause swelling. Tylan is a good antibiotic that treats MG which can cause the swelling and gunk in the eye. If an insect bite is possible, you can try Benadryl 1/2 of a 25 mg tablet, but only one time.

The limping is concerning. Does one leg appear weak or numb? Is there any sore or scab on the bottom of the footpad? Is there any swelling in the foot, ankles or hock joints?
Her face could be a sinus infection from a respiratory disease, but sometimes an insect or spider bite can cause swelling. Tylan is a good antibiotic that treats MG which can cause the swelling and gunk in the eye. If an insect bite is possible, you can try Benadryl 1/2 of a 25 mg tablet, but only one time.
I think I'll try the benadryl, I think it's most likely a bite, because of how quickly it appeared.
The limping is concerning. Does one leg appear weak or numb? Is there any sore or scab on the bottom of the footpad? Is there any swelling in the foot, ankles or hock joints?
There are no scabs, and I didn't notice any swelling, but she definitely prefers walking on one leg rather than the other. The Ayam Cemanis have been flying up into a tree to get grapes, and I think it's most likely an injury from that, but I'm kind of concerned, since the limp has appeared to have gotten worse.
Let us know how she is doing tomorrow after you try the Benadryl. How long has the leg issue been going on? Sometimes there can be leg bone deformities or tendon issues. Does either leg seem numb?
I just gave her the benadryl. I think the leg issue has been going on for less than a week. I don't think her leg seems numb, she can still move her foot, it just seems sore / tender.
I think I would try flushing the eye with saline, then pressing on that a bit to see what comes out. It looks like it has pus in it to me.
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I did flush it out with saline. I saw that, but up close, it looks more like swollen tissue than pus. I'll try to get a better picture tomorrow.

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