Pullets for sale. Memphis TN UPDATED W/MORE PICS.


12 Years
Mar 28, 2007
Memphis TN
Ok I have decided to sell off some of my girls. I need to make some room so I have some very pretty girls looking for good homes.

Lucinda, Blue Andalusian March07 hatch $10.00 SOLD

Audrey, Black tailed White Japanese bantam March07 hatch
$10.00 SOLD

Josephine, RIR May07 hatch $10.00

1 GL Wyandottes Aug 07 hatch $5.00 SOLD

2 Blue Cochins Aug07 hatch $5.00 SOLD

1 Speckled Sussex Aug07 hatch $5.00

2 Black Australorps aug07 hatch $5.00

4 Blue Orpington/Buff Brahma (from Speckled Hen), 1 blue and 3 black. Oct07 hatch $20.00 for all. I will not separate them, they love each other. They look like Orpingtons.

I may be adding more and I am considering shipping this time. I still need to talk to my post office first. If I do ship you will be responsible for the cost of a new box as well as shipping fees.

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One did but I can not see them so I think all they are are just little stubbs. I will get a photo as soon as I can. I hate to let them go but I have limited space and I really want a pure blue Orpington. So what can you do. It will be about 6 to 10 years before I am able to move out onto some land, and then I can have all I want!
Completely understandable! You'll have those pures very soon, my friend. And guess what? I have a second Barred Rock whose eggs are fertile!! Mandy's egg is growing in my bator! I'm thrilled that I can send you some from both Lexie and Mandy. Amanda is from Kate's flock (helmstead) so she isn't related to Hawkeye or Lexie.
Suede and Caroline make beautiful babies-I have two of Caroline's in my bator going into Day 15 now.

I might be interested in the japanese bantam. Since 2 of mine got killed today by the neighbor's dog. My parents live in eastern Arkansas.


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