Puppies and Chicken Poop

Yay Chicks!

9 Years
Apr 15, 2010
Forest Grove, OR
In 8 weeks we are going to have two Boxer/American Bulldog mix puppies. When they are young, are there health risks to the fascination dogs have with chicken poop?

My last dog, who died earlier this summer at the age of 15, was a yellow lab with an iron constitution so I never worried about this. Plus, we did not have her as a puppy.

And, I know that some dogs don't have the ability to eat just about anything without unwanted consequences.

Thanks in advance for your knowledgeable advice.
I wish I could answer that question w/utmost confidence. I would say that that is an excellent question for your veterinarian.
Will definitely be following as I think you have asked an excellent question.
(Congratulations on your new forthcoming pack members!)
I am no expert but my dog eats chicken and cat poop as fast as they can drop it w/ no side effects. Well, other than the fact that we cannot stand her breath.

But, asking the vet is the wisest choice.

Good luck with the puppies.
Thank you for the responses. I will ask the vet. I've never had a boxer mix before, nor have I had puppies at the same time I've had chickens, so I'm trying to consider all the ways I need to puppy proof the house and yard. The list is long! I do have the ability to keep them on one side of the yard away from the birds, and will close that gate soon so the girls stop free ranging over there about a month before the pups are ready to come home.
I have two boxer mixes and they are awesome! Lily is 10 now and Lucy is 8. I've had both since puppyhood. While the other have will come into play some, personality wise boxer mutts are great. They are big, goofy goober dogs. :)
Do try to teach them early to keep their feet down. One of mine likes to "box" with her paws and it can hurt. That is really our only truly bad habit. Both will eat chicken poop and kitty crunchies given a chance. I just Blick off the litter box and keep them out of the chickens areas. Both of mine will kill a chicken if they can get to it. They love to chase things and the poor chickens don't last long at that game. The solution again is to keep them separated.
Enjoy your pups!Boxer mixes are the best!
Thanks. We were able to visit them the other day. They are just 3 weeks old now, so we have another five to wait. They are totally adorable. One is fawn colored and the other is brindle.

I have the ability to separate part of the yard for the dogs away from the chickens, and will do that. But stuff happens, so in the eventuality that they get into the other yard, I want to be prepared!
I would guess that if your chickens ever have a case of worms, your dogs will too. Otherwise, I can't think of any major health risks. My dog loves chicken poop (god, dogs are disgusting). That being said, she's an adult dog, not a puppy. I agree with checking with your vet.
Mine all used to eat chicken and horse poop regular. Sometimes it's just a bad habit, other times it's diet related. In my case it was diet related. I switched to a prey model raw diet, and and they have never had an intrest in any poop since.

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