Puppy with roundworm

Otc deworming will not hurt your dog. fenbendazole is safe.
A dog can still have a reaction to that med or to the act of the worms dying. I personally prefer not to risk it, and prefer my veterinarian is involved in case I have a problem. Just my preference.

Also there are other wormers out there with their own problems and side affects. They aren't a one size fits all product.
Hello...Puppies with compromised immunity can suffer from worm over loads so yes a Vet is needed to help the pup with any underlying issues...

Ive seen the fenbendazole's lab tests. What part of the lab result do you disagree with? Im curious to talk to my lab co workers about your findings.
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Your info is inaccurate

her info is very accurate. it can be very dangerous to worm with an over-the-counter wormer on a yearly basis without having a fecal done. First, many of the parasites are immune to the weak OTC medications available. So you run the risk of the dog developing a dangerous load of parasites which are now also going to have a stronger immunity towards even the prescription medicine after generations of surviving the low-dose OTC stuff.
Second, most heartworm medication also kills worms. So you would be doubling up on poison that you are putting into your dog without any reason.
Third, unless you have a dog that spends the majority of his time outside unattended and roaming, you aren't going to have parasites.
her info is very accurate. it can be very dangerous to worm with an over-the-counter wormer on a yearly basis without having a fecal done. First, many of the parasites are immune to the weak OTC medications available. So you run the risk of the dog developing a dangerous load of parasites which are now also going to have a stronger immunity towards even the prescription medicine after generations of surviving the low-dose OTC stuff.
Second, most heartworm medication also kills worms. So you would be doubling up on poison that you are putting into your dog without any reason.
Third, unless you have a dog that spends the majority of his time outside unattended and roaming, you aren't going to have parasites.

Yes for the most part dogs wont get worms once dewormed as a pup. Its very common for dogs to get it from their mom. But dogs can definitely get it! if you live somewhere like New York City where you walk your dog and there's a lot of dogs around, and lot of dog crap it's more likely than if you live in a rural part of America and your dog just sticks to your backyard! Back its better to be safe then sorry! Parasites such as hookworms or roundworms attached to the intestines and deprive the dog nutrients!

What you said about the deworming is very inaccurate, i hope you dont make it a routine giving advice about subjects you clearly know nothing about.

In some chances some repties have had issues with fenbendazole's. But for the most part its safe to pretty much all animals. Tigers, jaguars, seals, i bet if u take a panda and mate it with a bobcat it would still be safe for that animal.

The same stuff u buy at petco is what your vet sells you, just a lot more $$!!

Unless you have any facts keep your medical opinions to yourself. Thats why you need to pass the mcat to be a give medical advise, seriously your false information could be putting animals in jepordy! unsolicited medical advice is a common issue in the industry, specially with the internet. Everyone thinks they are doogiehouser.
Yes for the most part dogs wont get worms once dewormed as a pup. Its very common for dogs to get it from their mom. But dogs can definitely get it! if you live somewhere like New York City where you walk your dog and there's a lot of dogs around, and lot of dog crap it's more likely than if you live in a rural part of America and your dog just sticks to your backyard! Back its better to be safe then sorry! Parasites such as hookworms or roundworms attached to the intestines and deprive the dog nutrients!

What you said about the deworming is very inaccurate, i hope you dont make it a routine giving advice about subjects you clearly know nothing about.

In some chances some repties have had issues with fenbendazole's. But for the most part its safe to pretty much all animals. Tigers, jaguars, seals, i bet if u take a panda and mate it with a bobcat it would still be safe for that animal.

The same stuff u buy at petco is what your vet sells you, just a lot more $$!!

Unless you have any facts keep your medical opinions to yourself. Thats why you need to pass the mcat to be a give medical advise, seriously your false information could be putting animals in jepordy! unsolicited medical advice is a common issue in the industry, specially with the internet. Everyone thinks they are doogiehouser.
You seem to be the only person trying to hand out unsolicited medical advice that could cause harm. :confused: Veterinarians go to school for a long time for a reason. I'm gonna trust my vet.

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