Puppy with roundworm

Not really they posted and asked, i answered! Accurately. You and ur buddy started to say what i was saying is wrong. Which was the unsolicited medical advice. WhixW is something you should refrain from doing!

I know there's some long schooling lol i was there :lau.. where were u? I guess u were hanging out with bueller those days!!
If the puppy is not eating, he is not going to poop. That does not mean he is constipated. Treating him for constipation with out knowing that he is, will only add to his issues. Find out what the breeder was feeding, and offer him that. Between the worming and vet visit and new home, he may just have an upset tummy. A change of diet can do that, as well as stress. Make sure he is drinking, and if he continues to not eat, get him back to the vet.
13 years as a breeder, 25+ years working closely with vets in care of my own dogs, working for almost 20 years with mentors some of whom have been in dogs for over 50 years. All say that OTC wormer = bad. The wormer for goats does work for most dogs and types of worms but shouldn't be given without knowing exactly what type of worms your dogs have and no wormer should be routinely given on a yearly basis "just in case"
For the poop issue you can try giving a small amount of 100% pumpkin(no spices). Thus can work for constipation and loose stool.

As far as deworming. Always get a fecal so you know what worms you are trying to get rid of. I would never deworm a dog just to deworm without knowing if they had worms or not. I would also never give OTC medication in this case.

Hope the pup feels better soon.
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Curious how your puppy did. I'm guessing everything came out okay I the end (no pun intended lol)
We got a puppy in February that ended up with a partial bowel obstruction from being dewormed. Vet told us she most likely had a very large worm count to start with. Fortunately, being a NICU nurse, I was able to catch the symptoms pretty quickly and get her to the vet

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