PURPLE COMBS AND FACE-pulmonary hypertension syndrome-aka Water Belly

if it is ai, or newcastle disease which is possible and certain other diseases legally i have to report it to the usda to go in to her farm to destroy infected, quarenteen and clean up to stop the spread of it as those can spread to other animals and possibly people and possibly spead to miles around. as a pa liceansed poultry tech i have to report it if i feel it is any of certain diseases those are 2 main ones. some i can only report here in pa to dept of ag but some are federal and i have to report to the usda.

i have posted to her on the other forum asked her if the pic was real and stressed my concerns and why and asked for more pics and anything else she can give us. no reply yet but i didn't post to long ago. i have to take it as real and help anyway i can unless i find out other wise.
i'll keep ya posted,
if you look at feathersite.com they show some cornish rocks with white beaks and others with yellow beacks and the birds in the picture look like the birds on feather site so i believe they are cornish rocks
hubby just said we have her phone # we will call her after 9pm when i can use my cell phone again. i will talk to her parents. yes we posted the # for her to call for her state. yes her state will test for disease prevention it is free as far as i know.

if she was in pa we could suit up and go to test them myself with my husband we are both liceansed and take it to the lab here about 2 hours from me but she is in arkansa(think that's spelled right) so i can't help with that part only to give her # and places as close as i can to help.

i need to know all things it maybe and more info to narrow it down. if it is a joke or not severe then that's not a prob shame on her she is a kid, kid's do things like that. however if it is severe then she needs help cause she doesn't know what she has there and could become an epidemic depending on what it is and some maybe able to be prevented or stopped before worse if we help her in time.
this is a reply i got back from her. let me know if ur thoughts are the same as mine broiler is the problem it's water belly, they should have been slaughtered already. and isn't she describeing a cornish x not a pure breed rock?? can't remember who posted it, i'll have to look back but thank you very much and for the links!!!

I know that they are white rocks. My brother works for a broiler house and the ones that they did not pick up he brought to us. He couldn't keep them and they aren't allowed to sell them. It is possible for it to be heart failure from being broilers, we know one died of a heart attack, but I don't remember if it had a purple comb. We feed them laying pellets, oyster shells, and corn. None of the symptoms listed for AI have shown up in my flock and it isn't widespread. There aren't many. The photo is not doctored, please don't accuse me of that. I have enough trouble trying to figure out how to make the simple things work, I couldn't do that. All I did to the picture was crop it so that the picture was smaller, if you want the full picture I have it too. They haven't spread to many others. Like I said before, there have only been 3 to 5 that have been sick. The ones who looked sick were isolated, we put them in the barn to get them far away from the others. It's not a large house and there is only one in the pen, but we have anothe place in the pen, an upside down big satalite dish) where some sleep and go to get out of the sun or to roost. I haven't heard of Newcastle. What is it and it's symptoms? What about Aspergillosis? I have only had chickens a year and they were given to me from friends, so I am still kinda learning.
They look like cornish x and they don't sound that old if she just got them from the broiler house and they were about to be sent to slaughter but weren't taken. If they have been on layer, oyster shell, and corn, that is probably also contributing to ascities, or watterbelly, since corn will make them fat, and she probably got the birds at 8 weeks wold which is too young for all that calcium... there fore added to the damage on the internal organs beyond what happens just because they are the broilers which grow too fast.

I personally wouldn't keep them around as pets, but some can try with a restricted diet of only grower food unless they are laying.

Of course I can't see her flock, but my guess is that the problem these birds have is that they are bred to be eaten at 42 days old.
I do not know much but maybe they are anemic?

I know when my rooster's was aneimic from lice his comb and wattle went very dark like that and even flopped to the side.

Just a possibility.
I blew up the picture in Photoshop and can not draw a conclusion.
The picture was definately altered because of the name, if only altered
for the name. I see heavy pixelation on the purple combs and none
on the red comb in back. If this is a Photoshop job it's a good one.

My suspicion is a lousy digital camera being affected by the angle
of light on the chicken or the chicken truly look that way. The quality
of this picture makes it hard to tell. The circumstances of this post
are very curious and suspicious.

By the way we don't joke about potential diseases on BYC. Falsely
reporting a potential contageous disease is a federal offense.
Any suggestion whether stated or implied will be met with legal action.
I was waiting on you PC to chime in on the photoshopping. You do a fine job and had a lot of folks wanting to order purple silkies!!!!!LOL!!!! I couldn't tell either when I blew it up because of the picture quality.
the name change was us so we could find it in our comp. we got it from her myspace i had to save to my comp and upload to photo bucket. we only renamed it to find it since we have tons of pics saved of our flocks. oh and she cropped it to make it smaller when she took it to myspace.
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I just want to make it clear I think you are trying VERY hard to help this girl.

If this was so serious why is she not emailing out good pics to all the good hearted
people like yourself who want to help?

I'm standing behind Silkiechickens suggestions.

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