PVC Feeder with Mash?


13 Years
Mar 8, 2010
Mid-Coast Maine
Are any of you using a homemade PVC feeder with mash? Does it flow enough? I will be switching to a PVC feeder and want to know what form of food flows in to the trough better.
Mash, crumbles or pellets? What are your experiences...?
Do you have your PVC feeder made? Could you post pics? I need ideas for making one myself...
Right now I use crumbles in a homemade bucket feeder, but will be switching to a local grain ration soon. The crumbles slide out fine if the bucket is full, but need to be pushed down once it gets eaten to less than half. So sometimes I have a half bucket of feed but none in the tray; I am hoping grains will slide better.
My has flowed fine with mash and pellets. The problem I have is waste. My chickens waste a lot of mash.

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