Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

I introduced Ori and the Gosling Gang to Blue today. She was not aggressive at all. A little curious, did a little gentle nipping at them, and then that was it.

So Ori is outside now with his geese and Blue will hopefully bond with him.

I am so upset tonight. Something ate Ori.

He was living inside a growout pen that was inside the adult emus' pasture. So he was inside seven foot tall fencing that was inside a pasture with seven foot tall fencing, AND had the protection of the adult emus being in the pasture around his pen. In with him the were four goslings that he was brooded with, a young bantam duck, and Blue.

So whatever this was, went over seven foot tall fencing, got past the adult emus, went over seven foot tall fencing AGAIN, and then out of all the birds in the pen, picked my one little blonde emu chick to kill.

Then, it somehow dragged this six week old emu chick OUT of that pen, out of the adult emu pasture, and into the yard, where my father found him headless while mowing. During broad daylight this happened. And between my father finding him and him telling me so I could go look, it came back and took the body because he was totally gone by the time I got out there to see.

And to top it off, there were plenty of chickens around protected only by four foot tall fencing in their own pens. And yet this thing takes my emu chick. I don't understand it. And not one other bird was touched.

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