Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

New arrivals :) They are all bound for the same home.

three chicks.jpg
Just wanted to pop in and share about oly the emu. Went in one morning and he was rolled up with his head under him couldn’t walk. Was rolling and legs out to the side. After reading a thread here that his fate was just being prolonged by keeping him alive I was preparing to be have him put down. My wife never gives up on anything. She gave Oly vitamin B. Green vegetables. Pediolite. Rooster Booster, and lotta of love. I am happy to say. Oly is doing much better. Right leg is out to the side a bit, but other than that you would never know he experienced the trauma. My suggestion to anyone experiencing the same. NEVER GIVE UP.
I'm done with hatching eggs from my pair this year. I was strong and didn't keep any chicks, haha. I do have five eggs going from a different breeder though. If those hatch I'll probably keep at least one - definitely keeping any that hatch that are whites or blondes. I haven't really checked them for life yet though, which I really need to do, because I've been super busy because -


I got a puppy! Her name is Pixel. She is a Mini American Shepherd. She is nine, almost ten, weeks old now. And I am tired, lol.
Are they for herding miniature livestock? :D

Lol! They get about 20 to 30 pounds. People use them for smaller livestock like sheep and goats. She will hopefully help me out with moving my ducks and geese around, and getting them back in at night. That's gonna be her job.
Well, I got TWELVE emu chicks today.

I don't know if you guys remember Tom that I bought Sebastian from, but he decided he wants to focus on just his buffalo and ostrich and he's gonna get out of emus. So he called me up and asked me if I'd be interested in his mob.

To start with I took what he had left of this year's chicks, at a flash sale price. Five of them are already sold to new homes, which more than pays for the whole lot, so I get to decide how many of the remaining ones I want to keep. They range in age from four weeks to a couple days. I know I'll sell all the older ones, but the younger ones, I might hang on to a few.

He also offered me his twelve yearlings. That I have to think on.

I also got some emu burger from him to try - that's defrosting in the fridge and will probably be tomorrow's dinner.

Oh, and I got to play with the yearling ostriches. Went in the pen with them and got to pet them and have them all start trying to sneak up on my glasses or ears, haha. Now I say yearlings, but they were all already eight feet tall. That's a lot of tall birds all gathering around to to be curious! I liked it though.


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