Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

Would upping humidity to compensate be a bad idea?

It's not recommended but I think even if you took the pigment off, it would still be too thick to shine a light thru. You have to use a drill to get a hole in these eggs. The babies don't even unzipped like other birds when they hatch. They break off chunks. It's a pretty hard thick shell.
Didn't LocalYokel do an experiment a year or so back with using vinegar to take pigment off quail shells, making candling easier? Any chance it would work on emu eggs?

I need that at the moment. I have one Button quail female who lays super thick (or just super coloured) eggs and I can't see into them. I can barely make out the air cell, and I certainly can't see if anyone has pipped into it! Very frustrating! Usually I don't have any problems seeing what's going on. :confused:
I need that at the moment. I have one Button quail female who lays super thick (or just super coloured) eggs and I can't see into them. I can barely make out the air cell, and I certainly can't see if anyone has pipped into it! Very frustrating! Usually I don't have any problems seeing what's going on. :confused:

I would try gently rubbing it on fine sandpaper before using a corrosive liquid... jmo...
I would try gently rubbing it on fine sandpaper before using a corrosive liquid... jmo...

The first one hatched today so I don't have too long to wait (it's a bit late for experiments) - I just hate not being able to see because I can usually tell easily who's still with me, and who isn't going to make it. Frustrating!
Ok..oh speaking of 'oops' my first one the other day. One of the AMs. It was about the size of a medium size marble. Had a tiny pea size yolk and the rest was whites. :idunno
I love fairy eggs! ♥ I have my little collection in a nest that hubby found in the horse pasture. Entirely made out of horse hair :)

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