Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

This is my first hoorah with my emus laying and hatching eggs. It was totally unexpected. The first three I Foundation in the pasture were frozen
I didn’t know what to do and was clueless on how to keep them from freezing we’re in Montana
Luckily we were able to get Edwina to lay in the barn and sone after Ayleth plopped on down and decided he needed to begin his setting duties. At first we didn’t know if it was Edwina (we thought) or Ayleth on them. I finally figure out it was Ayleth. The straw is too deep and so is the snow for me to see their feet. They each have unique toes.
Evidently Edwina continued laying eggs next to Ayleth and he would scoop them under him when he stood through the day day to turn the eggs.
They aren’t really in captivity. More like free range within large hay meadows and access to corrals and barn all winter. They are very tame but don’t like to be touched.
I’m long winded I’m planning on rehoming the chick when they are about 1 month.
So, I will either take them from Ayleth ?????
Actually I am so angst ridden about this. He mis very maternal. He lets me look at his eggs and hold them and the chicks today but during the whole thing he is right there keeping track of either the egg or chick. He is not aggressive but maternal. He does growl now and began growling about a week ago. Today, when we found the first two chicks, he really growled when we came in. But not aggressive. He knows me very well so I’m sure that makes a huge difference.
I tried to sneak one of the first two away and made it half way to my house and my incubator and the chicks peeping actually seems to change and sound distressed. I couldn’t do it. I took her back.
I doubt Ayleth would take chicks back if I removed then now. But I actually don’t know.
I don’t really know much. I’m just winging it.
I am planning on playing with them a lot as soon as they all hatch. I’m now hoping to be able to keep them with Ayleth in my front yard so we can interact during the day. I’m not sure how I am going to take them away from him. I wasn’t prepared for his attachment. It breaks my heart. He’s so gentle.
I’m going to get one of those streaming cameras. It’s so hard being inside and not in the barn. I want to lay down in the straw in Ayleth’s corner so I can watch it all and hold the babies. Until they are done hatching I’m really trying to respect Ayleth’s space.
I’m long winded I’m planning on rehoming the chick when they are about 1 month.
So, I will either take them from Ayleth ?????
Actually I am so angst ridden about this. He mis very maternal. He lets me look at his eggs and hold them and the chicks today but during the whole thing he is right there keeping track of either the egg or chick. He is not aggressive but maternal. He does growl now and began growling about a week ago. Today, when we found the first two chicks, he really growled when we came in. But not aggressive. He knows me very well so I’m sure that makes a huge difference.
I tried to sneak one of the first two away and made it half way to my house and my incubator and the chicks peeping actually seems to change and sound distressed. I couldn’t do it. I took her back.
I doubt Ayleth would take chicks back if I removed then now. But I actually don’t know.
I don’t really know much. I’m just winging it.
I am planning on playing with them a lot as soon as they all hatch. I’m now hoping to be able to keep them with Ayleth in my front yard so we can interact during the day. I’m not sure how I am going to take them away from him. I wasn’t prepared for his attachment. It breaks my heart. He’s so gentle.
I’m going to get one of those streaming cameras. It’s so hard being inside and not in the barn. I want to lay down in the straw in Ayleth’s corner so I can watch it all and hold the babies. Until they are done hatching I’m really trying to respect Ayleth’s space.

I'm sorry, I don't have experience with males sitting. I will say that chicken hens are usually not done with chicks until six to eight weeks. A quick google says normally emu chicks stay with their father for up to 18 months. I think taking them at a month old will probably have the same problems as trying to take them now.
Yep. I think it’s going to be challenging now matter when I take them. It will be a learning process as all of this has been. I can’t believe how hard emotionally this is all hitting me. I wasn’t expecting that. I’m a rancher and we wean lambs, calves, horses ... you name it. I don’t get emotional with them.
Crazy Emus
Pyxis, do you know how to make a video smaller or compress it so BC will upload it?
@sseabass I might be having this same problem soon. One of the males is sitting on eggs in the yard, and the chicks will be at the mercy of the elements and of predators. The real problem is that just a few days ago, I saw a bobcat walking in the forest just outside my yard in broad daylight. It had no fear of me, just strolling along! This bobcat's been an issue for years- birds go missing all the time. I'm thinking that when the chicks hatch, I'll either take them inside or transport dad and babies into a shed where they can all be safe. I don't want to let him hatch the chicks and take them away right after, but I don't trust he'd be able to defend them against a bobcat.
Pyxis, do you know how to make a video smaller or compress it so BC will upload it?

I upload my videos to Youtube so I don't have to compress them :) But there are tools online you can use to compress them down if you need to. I'm not sure what BC stands for, sorry!

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