Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

Well, there was a fox running around my chicken pens on the 4th. Not sure if that's what got Ori, but I can say that there is no longer a fox running around. My neighbor (who also has birds) saw it and took care of the problem.

At the time it had my feral bantam EE rooster in its mouth, ugh. The rooster had it coming, though. Refused to sleep in the coop, was totally wild even though I raised him from a chick. Took him home from the feed store as one of the chicks that didn't handle shipping well, nursed him back to health, and then he decided he was gonna be feral.
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So this little guy arrived about two weeks ago:


He won't hold still for pictures. I did manage to get this lovely shot:


Still waiting for DNA results on his eggshell :) Then I'm gonna name him.

Blue is due for her second dose of vaccine tomorrow (as is Sebastian, since he's never had it before he needs a booster, ugh) and I'm gonna see if she has some adult feathers I can pull to send off to finally get her gender, too.

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