Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

The young geese are on my crap list. I had them living in the emu pasture because they were living with Blue when they were goslings, and then I decided to just keep them separate as a breeding group.

Tonight when I went out to collect the expected emu egg (which I got) I found Ciara with a big bald patch on her side. Must have been the geese. I found torn out feathers in a pile in several places. When she was laying down they must have been tearing beakfuls out of her.

Anyway, they got kicked over into the adult goose pen for now, I'll figure out splitting up breeding groups later. Poor semi-naked Ciara is getting a coat, just got that ordered for her. Ugh.
I’m having the same issue with the turkey females :barnie They too grew up with them, but I’m constantly fighting them off from tearing out the emus’ feathers. Luckily they don’t take too long to grow back.
Awesome. I had my first one hatch last night. His right leg goes out to the side a bit. I think it is called splayed leg. Open for an suggestions. His name is Oly.
In case anyone wants to see just why I was considering a goose dinner:


As you can see, the dog coat isn't really long enough for her.


So I've ordered a calf blanket, should be here in a few days and we'll see if that works better.

I haven't gotten another egg since the incident either, so I'm thinking we might be done for the year now. Thanks a lot, geese.
In case anyone wants to see just why I was considering a goose dinner:


As you can see, the dog coat isn't really long enough for her.


So I've ordered a calf blanket, should be here in a few days and we'll see if that works better.

I haven't gotten another egg since the incident either, so I'm thinking we might be done for the year now. Thanks a lot, geese.
Poor thing! It takes a long time for the feathers to grow back and even out. A year after the turkeys plucked mine, his still aren’t grown out evenly. You can tell something happened.
So, moving on from The Naked Emu . . .

three of the 'chicks' -- 17 mths now -- were vocalising this morning. And two were seriously 'bigging up' against each other, though they didn't attack. The vocalisations were male -- but early days.

Actually, it was a nice observation: dawn with lots of fog. I came out of the house when I heard them. And they doin' they thang just off in the house-clearing.

Send help. I want to keep the Valentine's chick. I vent sexed and she appears to be a girl. She has the same disposition as her mother.

I still have the first chick, too. And I just got five eggs in from another breeder. Though my excuse there is that there's a chance for them to hatch whites.

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