Q: Can chickens get sunburn/tan?


Jun 3, 2015
Houston, TX
I live in Houston, TX and my mixed flock of chicks has been outside for about a week now. They have shade to retreat under but they rarely choose to do so. A couple have black, and I mean black not purple, combs. The ones with the dark combs that I've noticed are both Golden Laced Wyandottes and the coloring extends to the base of their beak. The rest of the chicks have pinkish and reddish combs. The legs of the ones with colored legs have become more vibrant.

Is this a natural reaction to exposure to the elements and access to greens or could there be an underlying cause I haven't considered? I considered that it could just be a change due to maturation but crossed it out given that I've seen the same changes in the 6wk chicks and the 4wk chicks.

Any information as to what this could be and whether it's something to worry about is welcome.
I have heard chickens can get sun burn, but I don't think it usually happens on the comb. It is probably a changes just like you said, age, egg laying, season, sun light, and fresh grass and bugs.
I have heard that coconut oil is suppose to help with sunburn, if rubbed on.

Best of luck!

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