Quack, quack, HONK!

Lol - yeah, I love my Pekins too! They are just so huge and cuddly looking. They don't want to be picked up, and I respect them/that, but man, I want to pick them up and cuddle them so badly! And they listen pretty well and are hours of entertainment. I call it Duck TV.

I just found out yesterday that TSC is going to do July chick days. I am having internal conversations with myself - do I pick up more chicks? More ducks?

Can I put the baby ducks in with these guys (Pekin and Khaki's) who are currently 6 and 5 weeks respectively? I guess come July, they would be a bit older.
Found out that I don't have much choice - someone has already decided to that I WILL be getting more ducks and chicks that first week of the July. Oh. Boy.

Anyone? Can the newbies be put in with the current stock? I guess by then the chicks and the ducks will be 8/9 weeks or 9/10 weeks old then.
Anyone? Can the newbies be put in with the current stock? I guess by then the chicks and the ducks will be 8/9 weeks or 9/10 weeks old then.
I wouldnt..... I only put new ones in when they are the same size as the others. Also after a period of being separated but being able to see each other as well ;)
Thanks Bills vs Beaks!

I guess, despite the heat wave, I will be working diligently to get the chicken coop and run ready before I get my new batch of cuties.
I'm confused...very confused.

It sounds like half the people on this thread said the girls honk not the boys. And then others were saying the other thing around.

And I'm worried about this because my ducks are now 5 1/2 months and no eggs. And 2 of them do a deep loud honk, but the others don't. I thought I had 5 girls (quack constantly), 2 boys (loud deep honks, but don't make noise hardly ever.)

Do I have this backwards? I thought I had 5 girls 2 boys, or do I instead have 2 girls 5 boys? I don't see them trying to mate yet. And no eggs.

I hope someone can reply this so I can sort it out. If I have to start over its going to be a pain.
I'm confused...very confused.

It sounds like half the people on this thread said the girls honk not the boys. And then others were saying the other thing around.

And I'm worried about this because my ducks are now 5 1/2 months and no eggs. And 2 of them do a deep loud honk, but the others don't. I thought I had 5 girls (quack constantly), 2 boys (loud deep honks, but don't make noise hardly ever.)

Do I have this backwards? I thought I had 5 girls 2 boys, or do I instead have 2 girls 5 boys? I don't see them trying to mate yet. And no eggs.

I hope someone can reply this so I can sort it out. If I have to start over its going to be a pain.
Males really more Rasp in nearly every breed. I can't say any of my males ever honked at me unless they were going through duckie puberty. but they all made a sound that was more like a rquask rquask. Not to be confused with QUack Quack which your girls will certainly use to yell at you or anything else they like. (mine like to do it when they think it is free range time.) Males will almost always be in the lower range. My call ducks males are even more quite than my black east indie who is quiter than my Welsh Harliquin ever was.
I'm gonna have to get a video and post it of the sound mine make. I'm really hoping I have 2 females but now I'm wondering. They're bother really noisy and outspoken but I still can't distinguish between the quack and honk to see what I'm listening for. Lol from some of the videos I've seen I think they're both girls but I just don't know!

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