Quail breeder

I heard quails chicks are frail, just do what you can, and if it doesn’t make it, it’s probably wasn’t meant to be, you’ve tried your best, these things happen.

Aside from that, provide them the adaquate high protein game bird feed, appropriate warmth, clean water and an accident proof brooder. And then sit back and enjoy your little ones :)
Quail chicks are very frail. Some absolutely thrive, some do fine, other's just seem unwilling to survive. I'll see if I have a picture of what a dead toe actually looks like so you can see the difference.

OP, just a heads up, not everyone is going to be on when you are for the most part, and we do see your messages when we do get on

Notice the dark, shrivled, middle toe? This chick got her toe closed in the corner of the box she was shipped in and by the time she arrived, it was dead. Birds easily can live without a toe, even one in a weird spot like this one.

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