Quail tip #1

Well, it is 16C = 60.8F here today + raining and I have put the cage hat. I would be very interested to know how cold could Coturnix tolerate.
It is related to age of the quail first and more about “extremes” quail and other adult domestic “livestock” generally are happiest with temps 50*F-80*F. I had 6 week old quail survive just fine outside last year on nights that their waterer froze. but when temps/windchills dropped below zero, I moved them indoors with supplemental heat. In springtime I lost and nearly lost several younger quail because they were wet or muddy and could not dry and warm up before the temperatures dropped. (I managed to save several with warm bath and heat)
With your set-up pictured, those birds would probably be fine at those temps even if cage was not covered as they would most likely dry before temps changed significantly or if they had a dry area to go to, they might avoid the rain completely

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