Quails not laying eggs.

It's good to give your quail at least some of the winter off from laying. It's stressful to have to make eggs 24/7/365... they need a break. If you want eggs, consider moving a layer cage to an area with controlled lighting (14hrs/day), and rotating this birds out every

Yea I dont like it when people force their birds to lay every single day they need a break sometimes!
It's good to give your quail at least some of the winter off from laying. It's stressful to have to make eggs 24/7/365... they need a break. If you want eggs, consider moving a layer cage to an area with controlled lighting (14hrs/day), and rotating this birds out every

Rotating every month is a bit much. It takes about two weeks for them to adjust to the new conditions, so they would just have adjusted when you move them. This isn't good for egg production, much less the birds.
My quail are over a year old now and are not currently laying. It is winter time and they have been laying a lot of eggs over the past year so I guess they are just taking a break. Hopefully they will start laying again in the spring so I can hatch some chicks!

Stay away from Tractor Supply Layer feed (Producers Pride, Dumor). They have added "something" to stop the hens from laying. Ask Bill Gates... he wants to sell his artificial egg product, released the week the TSC feed reports started rolling in. Avoid Tractor Supply anyway as they have 4 board members from the WEF (NWO globalists) with one associated with Jeffrey Epstiens money source.Find small to medium size businessandor join a Cooperative for buying qty of larger equip and share the cost of import. See US Quail Cooperative, Pennsylvania Quail Cooperative (soon in other states on FB)
Doc TullyRiverQuail.com
Stay away from Tractor Supply Layer feed (Producers Pride, Dumor). They have added "something" to stop the hens from laying. Ask Bill Gates...
Doc TullyRiverQuail.com
I can't ask Bill Gates so I'm asking you @TullyRiver Quail what they added to the feed to stop them from laying? And where is there any proof of this for you to make this statement. Not trying to start anything or insinuate anything just would like to see some proof of this I keep hearing it but never any proof. I don't use either of those feeds so have no eggs in this basket but would like to know the facts.
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All I can add is that I do not believe the labeling or protien percentage has been changed comparing before/after the (nationwide) recognition of this occurrence. What I do know is Bill Gates "artificial egg" company went live and two weeks later, a company that sells chicken feed for egg laying hens with 4 members belonging to the world economic forum on their board, and one the former ceo of Victoria secret, the money behind Jeffrey epstien started having complaints against them for zero egg laying. I do not have "proof" that they did something, but I do have proof that the WEF members openly discuss depopulation. Attacking our food supply would be one way to achieve such a goal.. the difference between conspiracy theory and truth is often only time.
All I can add is that I do not believe the labeling or protien percentage has been changed comparing before/after the (nationwide) recognition of this occurrence. What I do know is Bill Gates "artificial egg" company went live and two weeks later, a company that sells chicken feed for egg laying hens with 4 members belonging to the world economic forum on their board, and one the former ceo of Victoria secret, the money behind Jeffrey epstien started having complaints against them for zero egg laying. I do not have "proof" that they did something, but I do have proof that the WEF members openly discuss depopulation. Attacking our food supply would be one way to achieve such a goal.. the difference between conspiracy theory and truth is often only time.
So as so many others you can make a slanderous accusation as fact that can affect others with only speculation without any proof.
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Pic for reference, not my pic. I have those kind of quails. They were sold to me as jumbo quails. We got them Aug. 17 and the person said they were 1-2 weeks old. It's beginning December now and no eggs. Why aren't they laying yet?
I put a yellow bug light on the cages in the winter. Also covered the cages with a tarp, It kept them warm. The quail laid eggs thru out the winter and continued to lay eggs. I did change the feed to a local brand.

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