Question about barred rock hen!


13 Years
Apr 1, 2011
Southern Maine
I got 4 barred rocks this spring. I was told they were from a reputable hatchery, but you just never know these days!
I've had barred rocks before, and they have all had short combs like this one

However, 1 of these has a big floppy comb! I am not sure if it is just a genetic flaw or if it means she is a different type. It doesn't really matter to me, I am just curious

Here's a picture of her

At this angle she kind of looks like a rooster, but I assure you it's a hen! I have had chickens for years now, plus I'm getting 1 egg from everyone
I have one who's comb is large and stands straight up and one with a large comb that flops over. I love them both. If I had known what great personalities BR's have I would have gotten 4 of them instead of the other 2 RIR. But then again my 2 RIR's are the best layers.
So far I find the BR's to be most personable. My Henny Penny was a small one with a small comb and she hatched six eggs from which 5 were roosters and all had larger combs and were much larger than the hens in body size. Enjoy them BR's. They were so much fun. The loved people and being handled. People often commented that they were more like dogs than chickens. lol

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