Question about turken breeding.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 2, 2009
Middle Tennessee
About 3? months ago, I purchased a black turken cockerel from a swap meet. We named him Jerry. 3? months later, Jerry is popping out eggs. I still love Jerry very much but I was hoping for a rooster. I have 1 Barred Rock Roo, and 1 Silver Phoenix Roo. If I were to breed Jerry with my Barred Rock, I assume I would come out with a (Na/na+), heterozygous, barred, turken x rock. (naked neck with stripes). Right? But, would the chicks show an increase in feathering as compared to Jerry?
Your guess was all correct.

The feathers don't "increase" from turken to not- turken breedings. Rather, the naked neck gene is semi- dominant.. which means there is a visible difference between NaNa and Nana+. Nana+ have a much bigger bowtie with feathers covering most of the lower neck and crop. Those are extremely common, if you've searched for pictures, you will have seen those. NaNa have a much smaller bowtie, with the lower neck and crop area very visible at all times or totally bare necked, but those are not common. This can even be seen right at hatch. Makes it very easy to select for pure breeding flock of naked necks.. Here's chick pictures:


Left Nana+ Right NaNa. Difference in bow tie size, plus NaNa you can see a naked spot between eye and beak(overall, the face is less fuzzy), plus on shoulders also.. can't see that in this pic though.

Pic of a bare neck, sorry was taken with cell phone.. in this one you can see the naked shoulders:

Thank you SO much for the information. Very helpful. I think that Jerry is actually (NA/na+). If this is true, I should have 50% naked chicks, and 50% feather-necked. Along with the barring.


Yep, (Na/na+) for sure. I have suspected this for some time. But you have thoroughly convinced me.

Again, thank you.
No problem. Yes she's Nana+ as the chicks will prove by going 50-50.

Always great to see someone with good observational skills and eager to learn! You'll do great with your projects.

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