question about worms cats/chickens


Crossing the Road
13 Years
Oct 8, 2010
One of my two cats vomited a big old tape worm today so I went to the vet and got worm meds for both of them. My chickens have been in their run all stinkin long winter and the snow is finally melting so I was going to let them out to free range this weekend now I'm thinking I shouldn't because if they go where the cats have been they might be able to get worms?? how long should I wait for the worms and meds to get out of the cats system???
I have never wormed my chickens and would rather do preventitive stuff.
One of my two cats vomited a big old tape worm today so I went to the vet and got worm meds for both of them. My chickens have been in their run all stinkin long winter and the snow is finally melting so I was going to let them out to free range this weekend now I'm thinking I shouldn't because if they go where the cats have been they might be able to get worms?? how long should I wait for the worms and meds to get out of the cats system???
I have never wormed my chickens and would rather do preventitive stuff.
Chickens cant get cat worms and visa versa.
Thanks, I know that but how long until the cats worms are dead and the cats worm meds might not be good for chickens? if the cats poop has med. in it and the chickens might get into it... yuck. Then if I eat the chickens eggs and it has worm med in it.... just wondering about all that.
So a cat eats an infected mouse and gets worms. If a chicken ate the same mouse couldn't the chicken get worms? I don't mean to sound stupid I just don't get it.

They get the worms from fleas on the mouse....??

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