Question on chicken poop picture attached


Jan 23, 2016
I have an Easter Egger that seemed to pass a bloody dropping over night. After a little digging online I read that it might simply be shedding of intestinal lining overnight. Any thoughts would be appreciated. The first 2 pictures are the dropping of the Easter Egger over night with the last picture from a site online depicting shedding of the intestinal lining over night.

Later in the morning she did poop and it looked normal and she seems to be acting normal too.

Hen poop.jpeg
X2, first two would be concerning. If you see it again, or if any of your birds appear sick, lethargic, sitting around fluffed up, then I would suspect coccidiosis. You can also see if your vet will do a fecal float test to check, some will do it even if they don't see chickens, some will not. If you treat with Corid it's very safe and won't harm them even if it's not coccidiosis. The following article has more info, her dose for the liquid is correct, the dose for the powder should be 1.5 tsp per gallon.
X2, first two would be concerning. If you see it again, or if any of your birds appear sick, lethargic, sitting around fluffed up, then I would suspect coccidiosis. You can also see if your vet will do a fecal float test to check, some will do it even if they don't see chickens, some will not. If you treat with Corid it's very safe and won't harm them even if it's not coccidiosis. The following article has more info, her dose for the liquid is correct, the dose for the powder should be 1.5 tsp per gallon.

I was kind of thinking the same but was not really sure. Will keep an eye on her and pick up some Corid tomorrow so that I have it on hand. So far she is acting normal but I don't want to take any chances............
The hen is doing much better today finally back to eating and behaving normally. I ended up adding several drops of Corid to watermelon as that was the only thing she would peck at and eat. She wasn't drinking water. One more day to go and it looks good. Might have just been intestinal lining shedding but better to be safe.

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