Question on GMO feed

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Bear, what proof would count as proof for you?
How I wish I could see this through your eyes. The way you do, it would really be interesting.
That's what YOUR source said, not me
Not one of your sources even mentioned GMO's as a potential cause
It's not "rocket science" to see they don't prove your claim that GMO's are harmful at all
Proof of what? An allergy, cancer and inferitility explosion? Alarmist.
Not going to debate ... but I will say this.

The following is MY OPINION. No more, no less.

I feel that GMOs are about as horrible for any living thing to eat as is corn syrup.

I LOATHE Monsanto. Less because that they are genetically modifying major food resources- but more because they are doing so without ANY regard for the rest of the world, and because they are I believe that they are seeking to make it ILLEGAL for us to grow our OWN foods and sell or give it away as their crops DNA will intermingle with non-Monsanto plants and then give them a legal foothold to go after farmers and backyard homesteaders.

I feel that they are trying to make us sharing and selling seeds illegal, or for us to save their seeds to grow more. They are actively trying to find ways to create seedless varieties, not because humans would want less seeds, but because it's then easier to control the plants out there that folks can just grow on their own.

Allegedly there HAVE been studies done in other countries where the tumor rates in the rats and lab animals that they were testing on were through the roof. I do not trust them and the fact that they are trying to hide from being clearly labeled and trying to get protection from lawsuits to me is akin to them admitting guilt and trying to cover their asses when it finally hits the fan.

Our medical industry isn't about getting us well and fixed, it's about telling us we are sick and there is nothing that can be done and here take handfuls of increasing strong and expensive medications with horrid side effects that cause you to require even more meds with no end in sight. Is this across the board? Of course not, but it IS the general thrust by doctors that are just filling in the blanks and aren't genuinely interested in being an actual good doctor.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least to learn that Monsanto has kickbacks from some pharmaceutical company.

Our country and our medicine has a long history of assuring the American public that things are safe when they are in fact the complete opposite.

Xrays for example. You used to be able to xray your feet at shoe stores to "get the perfect fit" and these were unshielded and massively strong bursts - and it killed a lot of people before they realized it and then longer for them to admit it and do something about it. Red dyes were another. Or radium used in clock dials killing those painting them and then poisoning those wearing them. Thalidomide was marketed and sold to women to help with morning sickness - resulting in many babies dying and having massive birth defects. It can take our medical industry like 30 years to realize there is even something wrong - take saccharine for example.

I am NOT waiting 30 years for the system to tell me something that I can instinctively KNOW is not good. I don't need nor require anyone to tell me fire is hot and take protective measures when dealing with it - and the same goes for GMOs. Something is WRONG with it - my internal red flags that go off are screaming about this, and they've never been wrong yet, so yeah gonna go with what I know. You can look down on me for it, sneer at me for it, mock me for it and call me names like uneducated, fear-monger, blah blah blah - fine whatever - I don;t care, just don't muck with my freedom to not use products from companies that I don't wish to support.

Someone thinks they are fine? COOL. Let them eat it or not care, it IS a free country. All *I* want is the ability to stay the HELL away from it and NOT have it snuck into my food or hidden and to have an open dialogue and to expect and demand that labels SAY what is in them.

And if they won't do THAT - then I want and demand the ability and freedom to just then produce my OWN food without being persecuted or sued because I'm not buying some company's products or sharing my starters and seeds so that others can do the same.

As for killing weeds - white vinegar will work against them and that's what I'll be using instead of roundup. Cuz I ain't giving them a penny if I can help it. lol
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Not going to debate ... but I will say this.

The following is MY OPINION. No more, no less.

I feel that GMOs are about as horrible for any living thing to eat as is corn syrup.

I LOATHE Monsanto. Less because that they are genetically modifying major food resources- but more because they are doing so without ANY regard for the rest of the world, and because they are I believe that they are seeking to make it ILLEGAL for us to grow our OWN foods and sell or give it away as their crops DNA will intermingle with non-Monsanto plants and then give them a legal foothold to go after farmers and backyard homesteaders.

I feel that they are trying to make us sharing and selling seeds illegal, or for us to save their seeds to grow more. They are actively trying to find ways to create seedless varieties, not because humans would want less seeds, but because it's then easier to control the plants out there that folks can just grow on their own.

Allegedly there HAVE been studies done in other countries where the tumor rates in the rats and lab animals that they were testing on were through the roof. I do not trust them and the fact that they are trying to hide from being clearly labeled and trying to get protection from lawsuits to me is akin to them admitting guilt and trying to cover their asses when it finally hits the fan.

Our medical industry isn't about getting us well and fixed, it's about telling us we are sick and there is nothing that can be done and here take handfuls of increasing strong and expensive medications with horrid side effects that cause you to require even more meds with no end in sight. Is this across the board? Of course not, but it IS the general thrust by doctors that are just filling in the blanks and aren't genuinely interested in being an actual good doctor.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least to learn that Monsanto has kickbacks from some pharmaceutical company.

Our country and our medicine has a long history of assuring the American public that things are safe when they are in fact the complete opposite.

Xrays for example. You used to be able to xray your feet at shoe stores to "get the perfect fit" and these were unshielded and massively strong bursts - and it killed a lot of people before they realized it and then longer for them to admit it and do something about it. Red dyes were another. Or radium used in clock dials killing those painting them and then poisoning those wearing them. Thalidomide was marketed and sold to women to help with morning sickness - resulting in many babies dying and having massive birth defects. It can take our medical industry like 30 years to realize there is even something wrong - take saccharine for example.

I am NOT waiting 30 years for the system to tell me something that I can instinctively KNOW is not good. I don't need nor require anyone to tell me fire is hot and take protective measures when dealing with it - and the same goes for GMOs. Something is WRONG with it - my internal red flags that go off are screaming about this, and they've never been wrong yet, so yeah gonna go with what I know. You can look down on me for it, sneer at me for it, mock me for it and call me names like uneducated, fear-monger, blah blah blah - fine whatever - I don;t care, just don't muck with my freedom to not use products from companies that I don't wish to support.

Someone thinks they are fine? COOL. Let them eat it or not care, it IS a free country. All *I* want is the ability to stay the HELL away from it and NOT have it snuck into my food or hidden and to have an open dialogue and to expect and demand that labels SAY what is in them.

And if they won't do THAT - then I want and demand the ability and freedom to just then produce my OWN food without being persecuted or sued because I'm not buying some company's products or sharing my starters and seeds so that others can do the same.

As for killing weeds - white vinegar will work against them and that's what I'll be using instead of roundup. Cuz I ain't giving them a penny if I can help it. lol
Oh and THANK you for posting the question about non-GMO food cuz I was *just* thinking about this the other day!

I don't want GMO *anything* in my food thus I need to look at what the chickens eat as well.

Good to know alternatives exist!
Not going to debate ... but I will say this.

The following is MY OPINION. No more, no less.

I feel that GMOs are about as horrible for any living thing to eat as is corn syrup.

I LOATHE Monsanto. Less because that they are genetically modifying major food resources- but more because they are doing so without ANY regard for the rest of the world, and because they are I believe that they are seeking to make it ILLEGAL for us to grow our OWN foods and sell or give it away as their crops DNA will intermingle with non-Monsanto plants and then give them a legal foothold to go after farmers and backyard homesteaders.

I feel that they are trying to make us sharing and selling seeds illegal, or for us to save their seeds to grow more. They are actively trying to find ways to create seedless varieties, not because humans would want less seeds, but because it's then easier to control the plants out there that folks can just grow on their own.

Allegedly there HAVE been studies done in other countries where the tumor rates in the rats and lab animals that they were testing on were through the roof. I do not trust them and the fact that they are trying to hide from being clearly labeled and trying to get protection from lawsuits to me is akin to them admitting guilt and trying to cover their asses when it finally hits the fan.

Our medical industry isn't about getting us well and fixed, it's about telling us we are sick and there is nothing that can be done and here take handfuls of increasing strong and expensive medications with horrid side effects that cause you to require even more meds with no end in sight. Is this across the board? Of course not, but it IS the general thrust by doctors that are just filling in the blanks and aren't genuinely interested in being an actual good doctor.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least to learn that Monsanto has kickbacks from some pharmaceutical company.

Our country and our medicine has a long history of assuring the American public that things are safe when they are in fact the complete opposite.

Xrays for example. You used to be able to xray your feet at shoe stores to "get the perfect fit" and these were unshielded and massively strong bursts - and it killed a lot of people before they realized it and then longer for them to admit it and do something about it. Red dyes were another. Or radium used in clock dials killing those painting them and then poisoning those wearing them. Thalidomide was marketed and sold to women to help with morning sickness - resulting in many babies dying and having massive birth defects. It can take our medical industry like 30 years to realize there is even something wrong - take saccharine for example.

I am NOT waiting 30 years for the system to tell me something that I can instinctively KNOW is not good. I don't need nor require anyone to tell me fire is hot and take protective measures when dealing with it - and the same goes for GMOs. Something is WRONG with it - my internal red flags that go off are screaming about this, and they've never been wrong yet, so yeah gonna go with what I know. You can look down on me for it, sneer at me for it, mock me for it and call me names like uneducated, fear-monger, blah blah blah - fine whatever - I don;t care, just don't muck with my freedom to not use products from companies that I don't wish to support.

Someone thinks they are fine? COOL. Let them eat it or not care, it IS a free country. All *I* want is the ability to stay the HELL away from it and NOT have it snuck into my food or hidden and to have an open dialogue and to expect and demand that labels SAY what is in them.

And if they won't do THAT - then I want and demand the ability and freedom to just then produce my OWN food without being persecuted or sued because I'm not buying some company's products or sharing my starters and seeds so that others can do the same.

As for killing weeds - white vinegar will work against them and that's what I'll be using instead of roundup. Cuz I ain't giving them a penny if I can help it. lol
The biggest issue I see is misinformation
Don't you already know they are most likely in everything NOT organic?

Dont you realize MEANINGFUL labeling would nearly double the costs of some foods?

If misinformation is the biggest issue you see, Bear, then support the idea of labeling GMOs. I have been amazed upon meeting farmers who don't have any idea if the plants they are growing or the feed they are giving their animals is genetically modified, or even what GMOs are. Many people (many of whom are highly educated) think that what they are eating is GMO free because it isn't labeled as having GMOs in it. Now, that is misinformation.

GMOs are NOT most likely in everything NOT organic. Many crops have not yet been genetically modified. There are also conventional farmers who do not buy GMO seed. I am an active member of farming organizations, know farmers, have heard many of them speak over the years and so on; I am not just spouting off.

I am sure that large companies would claim that labeling would make their products more expensive. It's so strange how some changes in labeling and/or processing increase prices while others (irradiation as an example) don't seem to have such a big effect. The price of most foods in the grocery store are not truly representative of what it really costs to grow, process, and package them.

It is very clear we don't see eye to eye and that isn't going to change on my end. Everything I have heard that touts the benefit of GMOs is simply untrue and I don't have the time to write out all the "proof" as it would take a book, but my opinion is not based on a lack of knowledge or research.
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Not going to debate ... but I will say this.

The following is MY OPINION. No more, no less.

I feel that GMOs are about as horrible for any living thing to eat as is corn syrup.

I LOATHE Monsanto. Less because that they are genetically modifying major food resources- but more because they are doing so without ANY regard for the rest of the world, and because they are I believe that they are seeking to make it ILLEGAL for us to grow our OWN foods and sell or give it away as their crops DNA will intermingle with non-Monsanto plants and then give them a legal foothold to go after farmers and backyard homesteaders.

AlyssaK, I am sure that you will be happy to know that Monsanto has allowed their patten on RoundUp Ready soybeans to lapse. Starting with this crop year Monsanto will allow any farmer or back yard garderner who plants RoundUp Ready soybeans to save their seeds and plant them year after year to their hearts content. Where is the cry of "Free GMO seeds for the masses?" '
Will we soon see ads for Heirloom RoundUp Ready soybean seeds on the Internet? I think we will.
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