Question on GMO feed

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It's not rocket science. If you eat something that is foreign to your body you develop an allergy....

Hey, how's bout the brave man or woman who first ate an oyster? If an oyster on the half-shell is not foreign to your body then nothing is.

But as people kept eating raw oysters they noticed that nothing ever happened to the cave men who by then had developed a taste for raw bi-valves.
In North America it's true that there hasn't been proper research. It is treated like vaccines and tobacco.....
However other Countries HAVE done their research. Canada and the US are about the only ones left who don't think consumers should know what they are eating.
In Rwanda they have armed guards and barbed wire around a GMO research facility/farm to prevent people from stealing the plants because the people there are desperate for GMO technology so they can feed their famlies. And still the food snobs in this country are doing their Marie Antoinette impression, ie "Let them eat cake!"
at least someone in the above picture is going to feast on organic non gmo tucker.
AlyssaK, I am sure that you will be happy to know that Monsanto has allowed their patten on RoundUp Ready soybeans to lapse. Starting with this crop year Monsanto will allow any farmer or back yard garderner who plants RoundUp Ready soybeans to save their seeds and plant them year after year to their hearts content. Where is the cry of "Free GMO seeds for the masses?" '
Will we soon see ads for Heirloom RoundUp Ready soybean seeds on the Internet? I think we will.

Excuse me, but the patent lapses after 20 years. Monsanto didn't allow squat. As with drugs, the company that developed a drug is allowed 20 years to recoup their R&D costs. After that, any company can produce that drug. That's why there's such a cost difference between brand name and generic drugs.

Peru just banned GMOs. Hungary burned GMO crops in the field. India is fighting back now. The world is waking up to the damage that growing GMOs do to their citizens. Here in the US, though, most of the population is still asleep.

If you can sprout barley (non-gmo) add BOSS and find a source for conventional corn, you can feed your chickens non-GMO.
Just read this article that Monsanto does not serve it's own gmo food in their cafetieria---wonder why???

There’s a story doing the rounds again, about how Monsanto, one of the world’s largest profiteers of genetically engineered (GE) food, banned GE food from its own corporate canteens!
Monsanto had its pants pulled down by Friends of the Earth in 1999, who revealed that the company was refusing to serve to its own staff the very same GE food that it incessantly foists upon impoverished nations on the premise that it will save populations from starvation. Although it has never been proved, Monsanto constantly claims that GE food is harmless – so why wasn’t it serving it in its own office?

In one canteen, run by external provider, Sutcliffe Catering, a notice read that a decision has been taken to remove, as far as practicable, GE soya and maize from all food products served in the canteen. “We have taken the above steps to ensure that you, the customer, can feel confident in the food we serve”, the provider said.
“We believe in choice”, said Monsanto, while the company actually made sure that by not serving GE food in its canteens they did not give staff the opportunity to ‘choose’ whether or not to eat GE food as they de facto ensure that the staff did not get to eat GE food. Yet the same choice isn’t available to farmers around the world, who most of the time have no choice but to plant GE crops, thanks to a seed market that is often dominated by Monsanto.
Once the GE seeds are in the ground, a vicious circle is started; farmers no longer have the opportunity to choose, as once GE seeds have been released into the environment it is not possible to contain or control them, as an individual seed travels with wind or is swept away by rainwater and may set root in soil owned by a farmer who does not at all want to plant GE seeds. In a recent protest in a Manhattan courtroom US farmers said it is no longer possible for them to keep GE seeds off their fields due to contamination.
If Monsanto decided for its staff that it cannot eat GE food, and actually removes the staff’s own right to choose, how come the rest of us cannot have the same opportunity? Over 90% of all processed food in the US – such as breakfast cereal and the chicken nuggets often served to kids -are now contaminated by GE, even if the farmers who produced the food actually did not intentionally grow any GE crops.
In one Monsanto office location, staff was reportedly happy to eat GE food, as they preferred food sprayed with fewer pesticides. However, the widespread and increasingly intensive use of pesticides in association with the use of GE crops poses suspected further risks to the environment and human health, such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and birth defects. Monsanto’s sales pitch to farmers continues to promise reduced labour and financial savings by simplifying and reducing the costs of weed control. The reality turns out to be somewhat different, with GE crops attracting increasing health, biodiversity and environmental concerns, and the development of weed resistance.
Genetic Engineering, corporate control of people’s food and the over reliance on pesticides and herbicides are not the solutions. So what is? Ecological Farming. It’s safe. It’s do-able. And it’s happening now. Help us support farming for the future.
So Monsanto, if you feel so confident in the food you serve up to the rest of the planet – are you serving GE food in your canteen these
Hey, how's bout the brave man or woman who first ate an oyster? If an oyster on the half-shell is not foreign to your body then nothing is.

But as people kept eating raw oysters they noticed that nothing ever happened to the cave men who by then had developed a taste for raw bi-valves.
The ones who developed the allergy died. Really your sophomoric arguments are a little wasted. They might fool a few people in a format that did not allow comment or edited their comment section.
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In Rwanda they have armed guards and barbed wire around a GMO research facility/farm to prevent people from stealing the plants because the people there are desperate for GMO technology so they can feed their famlies. And still the food snobs in this country are doing their Marie Antoinette impression, ie "Let them eat cake!"
at least someone in the above picture is going to feast on organic non gmo tucker.
The Antoinette quote, famous though it is, is a fabrication. The same people who were behind the phony French Revolution are behind corporatism and peddle gmo. The French bought the propaganda, after all the press wouldn't lie to them would they? And what did they get for their revolution? A US style government? No, the got Le Terror.
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I don't object to any food that you decide to eat. Heck, they tell me that spotted owls and bald eagles taste like chicken, go for it. However the anti GMO crowd is about limiting every humans' choice about what kinds of food they are allowed to eat or even if they lucky enough to have food in their stomachs in the first place. These people should be ashamed of themselves.

I can't proof that GMOs are harmless anymore than you can prove that breast milk is harmless. In fact there is some evidence that mothers' milk under certain conditions is harmful. You can not prove something is safe, you can only prove that it is harmful. So post scientific evidence that GMOs are harmful. The anti GMO side has had over 25 years to do so despite much gnashing of teeth and an ocean of crocodile tears all evidence points to GMOs being 100% safe. This is despite millions and millions of dollars wasted on make work research by some of our most prestigious universities. To defend the universities I will point out that no research is useless. It all has a purpose, even if that purpose ends up proving as much as it is humanely possiable that GMOs are harmless.

At the end of the day the whole GMO thing is basically a campaign by disappointed Neo Marxist working with a few 1930s paleo Reds who are determined to over throw western industrial society and Capitalism by discrediting it and thus profit politically from famine, war, and poverty which are the incubator for extremists. Here is what Green Peace founder and past President Patrick Moore had to say about the subject of environmental hysteria. He was speaking about (pick one) Global Warming, Global Climate Change, or Global Climate Disruption, which in the end is only anti GMO hysteria dressed up in a set of new duds.

The following video is 28 minutes long and in the spirit of fair play I urge you to watch it all reguardless of what your position is on GMOs. If you are short of time skip ahead to minute 11.

Marxism and Corporatism is a false paradigm. Its as false as Republican vs Democrat. Stalin said if you want to control the opposition, you lead it. So those who who hate corporatism run to communism, and then when they see communism is bad they run back to corporatism. Corporations bought out the environmental movement. They own it. Look at National Geographic. Its a Gulf Oil company. Lock up the land and lock up the oil.

The real struggle is the American people and Free Enterprise/small business vs Corporatism and its false opposite Communism. Unfortunately the Corporate-Communists own both parties. The internet is free... for now.

The people do not want GMO. That is why it is illegal to label it. We don't want it in our backyards, on our plates, or on our planet. As for Africa, they have the most arable land in the world. Zimbabwe used to be the breadbasket of Africa... until the UN moved in.
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.... As for Africa, they have the most arable land in the world. Zimbabwe used to be the breadbasket of Africa... until the UN moved in.

If any of you wish to see what the world's economy and political scene will look like with burned out hippies running things, the terror produced by (and finally extended to) French Revolutionary Robes Pierre, or the current poverty in Zimbabwe are both good places to start. Zimbabwe was the bread basket of Africa until 12-31 1987 when Robert Mugabe and the opposition party in a backroom deal merged into one party. Mugabe then announced that he was abolishing the position of Prime Minister and created the office of President and Vice President. Mugabe assumed the office of President and his former rival took on the position of Vice-President.

Next Mugabe announced a land reform program that resulted in the proliferation of the same kind of small time low productivity agriculture that resulted in the famine that helped spark the French Revolution. Whether the Queen of France said the quote attributed to her or not is immaterial to the GMO debate, but the strife, hunger, unrest, and starvation that 18Th Century use-funk agricultural practices helped produce in France are not immaterial to the GMO debate.

Any denial that Antoinette did or did not say "Let them eat Cake!" is simply an over ripe red herring used here to distract our attention. The real issue behind the GMO debate is what do you want to do, or do you intend to do anything to alleviate world hangar and mass starvation? What is your thoughts on this issue? It is the only issue that matters.

Here is the kind of world that the anti-GMO people have in store for us.
If any of you wish to see what the world's economy and political scene will look like with burned out hippies running things, the terror produced by (and finally extended to) French Revolutionary Robes Pierre, or the current poverty in Zimbabwe are both good places to start. Zimbabwe was the bread basket of Africa until 12-31 1987 when Robert Mugabe and the opposition party in a backroom deal merged into one party. Mugabe then announced that he was abolishing the position of Prime Minister and created the office of President and Vice President. Mugabe assumed the office of President and his former rival took on the position of Vice-President.

Next Mugabe announced a land reform program that resulted in the proliferation of the same kind of small time low productivity agriculture that resulted in the famine that helped spark the French Revolution. Whether the Queen of France said the quote attributed to her or not is immaterial to the GMO debate, but the strife, hunger, unrest, and starvation that 18Th Century use-funk agricultural practices helped produce in France are not immaterial to the GMO debate.

Any denial that Antoinette did or did not say "Let them eat Cake!" is simply an over ripe red herring used here to distract our attention. The real issue behind the GMO debate is what do you want to do, or do you intend to do anything to alleviate world hangar and mass starvation? What is your thoughts on this issue? It is the only issue that matters.

Here is the kind of world that the anti-GMO people have in store for us.
If you want to eat the crap, fine. I want it labeled so the free market will make it work!! Nobody producing GMO food wants the free market to work. Choice is great. Eventually they will be made by the market to label. They tell me to cook my food to a certain temperature etc. A couple of letters CONTAINS GMOS will not change the price of things much. JMHO
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