Question on GMO feed

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Quote: While it's true some life expectancies in this country have fallen by one or two decimal points, the life expectancy of Blacks in the country has RISEN.
The main causes given for the drops are smoking and obesity, not GMO's

If it were from the food alone, ALL would have dropped, unless you have evidence Blacks only eat organic
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Well yes, GMO's alone are not responsible for the decline.
Look around you, the proof is right there in your face. People are sick, almost everyone is on meds and we're even seeing kids coming down with diseases that were never found in them before.
Well, I disagree on that one...big time! But oh well. Because the study goes against what you want to believe doesn't make it useless. More than one was done, different types. And I'm not convinced they were refuted. And even things that weren't meant as studies prove it harmful. If you read through the material, you see what happened to one man doing research, yea, fired, material confiscated and gag order. Why would others want to risk going through the same thing. They don't.
Bear, here's what I would ultimately like to hear from you: Could you please lay down the "proof" of why you say GMO's are the safe, no worry products that the manufacturers say they are? Why there is no reason to worry, why we should look the other way, away from all the suggested adverse health and environmental effects? Why you 'like' and use GMO's and wish to support them? Please.......
Bear, no pun intended, but you never answered my question. It was real and I really want to hear your response. The part from the quote above that starts with "Bear,".
Wow, this is interesting! I do not know much about GMO's, just enough that I want to stay away from it. I am enjoying reading through all the posts and see what everybody thinks.
They've had decades to do it, and yet there is still no proof.
Why not just accept reality?

In North America it's true that there hasn't been proper research. It is treated like vaccines and tobacco. However other Countries HAVE done their research. Canada and the US are about the only ones left who don't think consumers should know what they are eating.

Where can you get GMO free feed? Countryside Organics here in Waynesboro, VA sells what you need and will ship their feed. I wouldn't feed my chickens GMO feed, but that's up to you for your chickens.

There is no "proof" that GMOs are harming human health because the biotech companies won't let the research be done. You don't hear about GMOs in mainstream media because the biotech companies have threatened the news organizations who have tried to do stories on the effects of GMOs. The few studies that have been done with rats have pretty significant results.

If you don't want GMOs in your diet, don't eat them. If enough of us avoid them, the biotech companies will change their tune. That's what happened in Britain. How do you avoid GMOs? Don't eat soy, corn, canola, sugar (unless it is specified as cane sugar), aspartame, and papaya, or any of their derivatives, unless they are organic or Non-GMO Project verified (or both). That means reading labels and eating very little processed foods, but your health will be better, both because you won't be eating GMOs and you'll be eating fewer processed foods. Also, some summer squash/zucchini has been genetically modified, so its best to get that organic or grow your own from seed that's organic or labeled non-GMO. Soon farmed salmon will be GMO and you'll need to avoid it.

GMO crops have been modified so that they are resistant to herbicides, such as round-up, or so that they produce their own toxin to kill insects. The ones that are resistant to herbicides are heavily sprayed with these. The ones that produce their own pesticides kill many beneficial insects in addition to the pest insects. Bees who collect the pollen from corn, for example, have suffered from the results of the toxins in the pollen.

If you want to know more about GMOs check out the Institute for Responsible Technology,
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