Question Regarding Your Chickens

The oldest one I ever had lived to be 11, but she's gone now. She stopped laying regularly around 6-7 years, but she always laid a clutch in the spring and the fall, even right up to the end!
The oldest hen I have ever heard of was 18.
I let all my girls live as long as they happen to live, but it seems as if I lose most of them around 5-7 years. Reproductive issues seem to be the most common reason I lose the older ones.
I commend you for wanting to let them live out their lives. I think a big reason people think chickens are "stupid" is because most people only let them live a year or two. You have to let a bird live a few years to gain the experience that an old hen has. That's when the hilarious personalities really start showing themselves - old hens are quite the characters!
Wow, 11 is amazing. We have 8 dogs and two of them are old. One lives inside. When something happens to them, I will die. I am getting attached to these chickens. I was just wondering if I kept them healthy, how long I could expect them to hang around. I love them so much, and I have only had them 8 months. After 11 years, they'd probably be inside the house with me. lol

Thank you for repsonding.
My hen Scarlett is 4 years old now going on 5 years and still giving me chicks!

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