

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 5, 2014
Tulsa, OK
Hello. I'm new here but have been browsing the site for months. I have a few questions about our flock.

1. How old would you say the two BO's are? I bought them from a guy about a month ago. He claimed they were laying, but I doubted it at the time. Had no combs/wattles and looked young. They're great chickens, just wondering when they might start laying.

2. Any idea on the breed/sex of the other two? No crowing, but they look like roosters. We've had them for about two months. Bought from an auction. The more white one had the big green tail feathers, but something got a hold of him/her and tore them out. It was gone for 3 days and then just came walking out of the woods one morning.




Hello and welcome to BYC!!!

Your gorgeous BOs are probably around 20 weeks old. (My best guess at least.) They should start laying soon due to their reddening combs and wattles
You're right, the other two really look like roosters due to their coloring, large combs and long, pointy sickle feathers

If you have any other questions, we are here to help.
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First of all, that Easter Egger is the most BEAUTIFUL chicken I have ever seen.... so far. The Buff's; we have 2 of them that are both 20 weeks and their combs and waddles are much redder and bigger than yours. Your BO's might be 16-19 weeks. From my experience they are slow at growing, so are the comet's.
Thanks for all the help! Now to decide what to do. 3 roosters and 4 girls...Haha. Those two are the sweetest roosters I've ever seen though. One is actually trying to jump in our back door right now. Kinda like that windex commercial with the crows.

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