Quick intro, but in an unfortunate time of need


In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2022
Hey all! I'm a very proud cayuga duck mama (4 of them little black footballs lol) and have been interested in backyard duck and hopefully soon chicken raising for some time. Coming to you from the beautiful northeast of the US. Saying hello and a very big thank you first and foremost for the information I have found here so far. You guys seem to be amazing sources of knowledge!

Some bad news, though: I arrived here after stumbling upon this thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...o-heal-a-duck-w-likely-aspergillosis.1517362/

...because one of my ducks, Vandie, has been having serious breathing problems I unfortunately did not really catch until Friday. She's a big girl and pants a lot in the summer heat. Took her to the only vet near me that said they could handle ducks, but they didn't know what was going on. I keep reading about aspergillosis and I'm convinced she has it, has had it for a while in fact, maybe months based on her little coughs/hiccups if those two are indeed related. Got some more treatment options lined up for the coming days for her, if at the very least to soothe her. That thread and a few others recommending Oxine, for example, have been so helpful.

How old are your ducks?

Can you take a clear short video of the one that's acting sick and upload it to YouTube now?

What bedding do you use in their area and what exactly do you feed them?
They are one year and 2 months old.

I have been doing deep compost with cedar shavings in the coop. Outside is hay or straw, which is cleaned/refreshed not super regularly. I rake it to dry it out. They also have free range over the whole backyard. Commercial layer pellets with niacin I add in, usually Dumor or Purina from TS, and a scratch grains/corn mix. They get fresh lettuce, cucumbers, watermelons, apples, peas, and other random kitchen scraps, which include their own egg shells and scrambled eggs occasionally. I'll try to do a video soon.

How old are your ducks?

Can you take a clear short video of the one that's acting sick and upload it to YouTube now?

What bedding do you use in their area and what exactly do you feed them?
I can't upload a video, but she's had a cough like this:

Can't find a video, but she is doing the whole head/ tongue sticking out at times while gasping for air, basically breathing with her whole body.

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