Quiet, friendly, small bantams?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 2, 2013
Hi I am wanting to keep 4-8 bantam chickens and ideally Id like they to be fairly quiet because I have neighbours but also friendly and small in size. I really like the fluffy rounded look of either brahmas or pekins. Is there much of a difference in size and temperament between these two breeds or is there another breed that would be better suited? Thanks
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I have a pen of bantam cochin (pekin) hens and just love them! I got them to be broodies for my big girls and didn't expect much in the way of egg production but they've laid quite well. Mine aren't pets and I don't handle them but they're calm, quiet and just flat pretty. My only problem is I live where it rains a lot and the feathered feet look a mess, I work hard to keep their pen dry.
Cochins or Brahmas in the bantam size are wonderful little fluffy-wuffy ladies. I have brahma mix bantam daughters of my favorite bantam dark Brahma hen, and they're just as broody.

Adorable little hens.
Thanks I love the look of brahma bantams too. Do they both lay the same amount and are they the same size?

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