Raccon Damage I think...what do you think? ~Graphic pics~


12 Years
Dec 2, 2009
Sunny side up :)
I made some brooders last year for chicks. They were solid plywood and also hardware cloth framed in with wood and a few feet off the ground. I had some roosters in there since I don't have any chicks right now. One rooster (the smaller one is totally gone and the other large rooster is missing his head and neck. This critter chewed right through 1/2 inch thick plywood in the middle of the brooder roof. It didn't start chewing at a corner but straight down. I have seen foxes, raccoons, possums, and the occasional bobcat around here.
I suspect this is raccoon damage...is that what everyone else thinks too?

The top dosen't look chewed to me. By starting in the middle of the roof where did the varmit get its first mouth full of plywood?

The damage looks more like it was caused by claws. I also doubt a coon would carry off a victim. Are there any hairs stuck in, or claw marks on the plywood. How far were plywood splinters scattered?
my condolences. (are there any chicken prayer/poems?) i stopped using the motion-wild-cam by the coop because it was taking so many silly pix of me, but after seeing this i think i will set it up again to see who might be prowling at night. i don't know what good it would do, but i guess sometimes in a violent crime wondering is worse! very sorry for your loss. what will you do, a metal grate in between next time? thanks for sharing your loss.
Thank you I am putting out the webcam tonight to see what I can get photos of. We are going to put the remains of the headless roo into a live trap and stick it inside the brooder and leave the top part as is where it was broken into. Maybe he will come back to get the rest....

chickengeorgeto: you are right it doesn't look chewed but I am not seeing any claw marks specifically. I went out and looked for fur that might have gotten stuck on the splinters but didn't find any. There is a wooden fence a little bit taller than the brooder- surrounding the brooder so the splinters are not much further than 6 inches from the brooder and inside the fence. There are also splinters of wood inside the brooder. We do have occasional black bears in the NE FL area where we live. I haven't seen any since we moved here. I guess there could still be some around. It seems like it would have to be a smaller bear in order to get into that hole without losing any fur to the side splintered up wood? I did find a small area in the front of the brooder corner where it had started another hole. It seemed to have abandoned that one, then went to the middle where it finished. They are not connected at all. The board was not rotten at all. It is hard wood, weathered, but not soft or rotten. I had some thick plastic tarping covering it so it would stay dry and that of course was ripped off first. It was really windy last night and rained a little so there are leaves on it too.
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I hope it comes back tonight so I at least can get it on camera and can see what I have to kill. If it will go in the trap, then we will be able to get rid of it. It will be getting dark in about a half hour from now..*wish me luck* I will report tomorrow- what I catch or catch on camera at least lol.
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I believe you have a more sinister threat...Maybe a gang or raccoons, to break that much...Also something, like a wild dog, who kill for fun.

Hope you catch something----(ps.Further info for My chook please...I know ishoundn't be posting that here, but im desperate)
I hope it comes back tonight so I at least can get it on camera and can see what I have to kill. If it will go in the trap, then we will be able to get rid of it. It will be getting dark in about a half hour from now..*wish me luck* I will report tomorrow- what I catch or catch on camera at least lol.
Sorry for your loss
Did you catch anything on film or in the trap?

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