Raccoon Busted Stealing Feed

A couple notes on dogs dispatching raccoons. My smallest dog, Lucy, a female German Pointer weighing about 50 lbs is currently my best / most seasoned dispatcher. By herself in the open she is very quick and does not get bit. With Ben (males English shepherd weighing 72 lbs) helping, well it is not helping from her perspective. He still goes after wrong end and does not know how to use his speed. Neighbors dog, Bella, a 1/2 LGD wearing a collar is the least competent. She goes in and does not place bites where they are effective. The collar is also a problem as coon grabs on to that and starts biting her. Lucy could have all done much faster by herself. Lucy had to learn what she knows by making mistakes under Scoob's (German Pointer male) tutelage and he as psycho when it comes to killing critters.

While typing this an adult Coopers Hawk flew by and attempted to catch an English House Sparrow / spatzy on the wing. Hawk was mobbed by Barn Swallows as it did so.
Since I did no realize more than two raccoons were coming into barn, I will assume my counting skills still suspect. Traps will be re-armed shortly. Hoepfully no more raccoons. I do not like killing them. I have yet to find where they are beating fence. It is clear all coming from NW side of property where dogs are least effective.
Yellow depicts approximate path coons come from and retreat along when chased off. Main perimeter hotwire follows midline of mowed pathway forming a square.
Dogs post themselves in front yard, often in what looks like a triangle due north of deck on west side of house. Staying in barn would leave pens in pasture outside perimeter exposed. Those outer pens usually targeted first by bad guys and serve as trap crop protecting core flock.

Raccoon Problem June 2017.jpg
I figured you would find more as coons tend to have large "family" groups that tend to move to "safe" places especially when they have young'uns. Good luck with your coon hunts.

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