Raccoon Busted Stealing Feed

At least your coon activity is normal coon family, not rabid coon loner. The biggest one we ever saw in Georgia was larger than our cocker spaniel and walked the fence line in broad daylight alone. If we'd been a little more isolated, without pathetic city slickers living right next door, we would have handled that situation right then and there... Plus my mom chickened out and wouldn't go outside so long as that monster was there :barnie and I was only ten at the time and she wouldn't let me use the rifle. We didn't have livestock back then though. Happy hunting!
As of two hours ago, no sign of raccoons. I think this problem is whipped. Will make sleeping easier. Effort now closed.

False negative above. More raccoon sign in barn. Also coming from NW. BOSS barrel tipped and opened.
Yeah... I was surprised you would call 'done' so quickly.
BOSS barrel knocked over again overnight. Some BOSS eaten in manner done by raccoon. Traps and bait not touched. One trap was in physical contact with barrel.

Son and I slept in hammock on deck facing barn to respond if raccoon decided to go after stock. Nothing happened. We slept through visit.
Some will not move in if they cannot best fence or brave dogs.

Coons light in weight this time of year. Larger adults in late fall can push 30 pounds. Much bigger in Iowa where my brother hunts them.
Some will not move in if they cannot best fence or brave dogs.

Coons light in weight this time of year. Larger adults in late fall can push 30 pounds. Much bigger in Iowa where my brother hunts them.

Mine were caught mostly in the winter. They said the 35 pound one (they weighed it) was one of the largest ones they had caught.

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