Raccoon Busted Stealing Feed

Image below depicts property boundaries with mine of concern on blue. A group of neighbors defined by red have a common boundary in orange where raccoons have been coming across. What is not evident in images is the orange boundary is heavily populated by trees. House to east with brown roof is mine. Barn is about 100 feet from orange boundary. Fence is just 10 feet from barn on that side. Gray triangle west of barn is tree patch we can tree raccoons in but most of time raccoons go all the way to orange line. Understory of trees really slows dogs but raccoons not so much.

Raccoon Problem Boarder June 2017.jpg
Sorry I've been wondering what is BOSS? Hope you all get them under control. Your story is a good warning to others.

I'm so hoping putting my chicks out doesn't bring them into my backyard. They I think have avoided the fenced in area because of the dogs. Will check the perimeter daily for digging once I get them out in the coop. Haven't seen any scat in the backyard as I have up between the houses where my neighbor's trash is. She does not have heavy secure barrels.
Thanks I've been trying to figure that one out. Oh yes, they would love those. They used to like the horses' sweet feed as well when I lived in the country.
Sorry I've been wondering what is BOSS? Hope you all get them under control. Your story is a good warning to others.

I'm so hoping putting my chicks out doesn't bring them into my backyard. They I think have avoided the fenced in area because of the dogs. Will check the perimeter daily for digging once I get them out in the coop. Haven't seen any scat in the backyard as I have up between the houses where my neighbor's trash is. She does not have heavy secure barrels.

We are getting the number of animals crossing into poultry area down. Fixing fence will do a lot.

I have yet to see scat or digging. When they get into trash there is no question they are doing it.
Coons probably have a den in those junk cars on you neighbors property

Could be. Denning sites I do not think are limiting even without the cars. Food is their problem here. No corn fields nor streams. Trees supplying mast also not so good. In past someone in trailer court did feed the raccoons and the critters would retreat to under a trailer when my dogs crossed fence to pursue. Some feeding may be going on still.

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