Raccoons Are STRONG! Rip Through Chicken Wire And More!


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
As I posted here, we have raccoons under our house.

I thought I had scared them all out, but late in the evening I heard a loud noise and found this:

Yup, the raccoon tore right through that pretty strong expanded wire vent under our house!!!


I see people all the time that are adding chicken wire to their coops, runs, etc. to "protect" their chickens from predators, and I always tell them the same thing: chicken wire is for keeping chickens in and NOT for keeping predators out!

I HATE raccoons!
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Yikes!!!! Great example and reminder about their strength, I think a lot of people seriously underestimate the strength, dexterity and intelligence of the predators they are up against in planning their coop fortifications.
I have to admit, though, that I actually like raccoons (and most of the other most common predators) - just not around my chickens, lol.
Skunks are pretty vicious as well. We lost two beloved rabbits when I was in college over 30 years ago. Ripped right through the wire and shredded the rabbits. We had the extension agent come out to find out what happened and he said it was a skunk, the smell, the fur left at the scene, etc. Never, ever thought a skunk would do that, learned a hard lesson that day. No more chicken wire.
Thanks everyone. I will plan to reinforce with hardware cloth. Between keeping critters out of raised beds and fortifying fort knox, I will probably be spending hundreds of dollars of hardware cloth.
Thanks everyone. I will plan to reinforce with hardware cloth. Between keeping critters out of raised beds and fortifying fort knox, I will probably be spending hundreds of dollars of hardware cloth.

Which critters are you keeping out of the gardens? Chicken wire might work there depending on your foe. ;)
I have hardware cloth over every coop opening, and 2"x4" woven wire over the lower 4' also. Fence stapled and then with boards screwed on top.
Predators are smart and determined, and I also worry about large dogs. Bears require electric fencing too.
They can also chew through hardware cloth which often reputed to be resistant to raccoons. It does cause the critter damage when they force their way through, sometimes even with chicken wire that is reputed to be like wet toilet paper.
chicken wire is for keeping chickens in and NOT for keeping predators out!
HAH! I have had hens disassemble a "chicken" wire netting in no time. It's good for nothing.

I have three foot wide 1/2" hardware cloth around the lower part of my run, but that's just to discourage smaller pests like possums and weasels. The chain link fencing it's stapled to is for 'coons and such.

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