Raising a few bantams

Snow Flamingo

Aug 26, 2017
Edinboro, PA
Hello, I'm new to Back Yard Chickens, but have enjoyed reading previous entries. I am hoping to have a Bantam Buff Orpington as a house pet, but since I've found no Bantam breeders in my area, will have to wait until Spring and raise chicks. Any suggestions as to how to prep the ones I will be giving away to the out of doors without too much trauma, and how old should they be to introduce to a new flock?
Hi and welcome to BYC :frow I like mine to be 8 weeks before integration, a lot of folks integrate as early as 4 weeks--but most seem to target 6. Depending on your temps, they can go outside at 3 weeks or so. When you get a sec, pop over to new member introductions and introduce yourself to the group. Again welcome and glad you joined us.:ya
Thank you, I will go to introductions, must have missed that step!. I'm I'm NW Pennsylvania so it stay chilly in the Spring. I guess I would keep them at least 8 weeks if not longer. Thank you for your help!

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