Raising a mille fleur rooster with cochin rooster


In the Brooder
Feb 24, 2019
Is it possible to safely raise a mille fleur belgian bearded d'uccle bantam rooster with a cochin rooster that is not a bantam?
Yes, it depends on the roosters temperament. I have a porcelain Belgian bearded d'uccle bantam that was with a standard male since one day old. They are now 5 months, the standard is very big and has become the alpha. They had been having squabbles, the standard didn't like the bantam mating the pullets. I can tell the bantam is aggressive so I didn't want them to get into a bad fight. Fortunately, I have a second yard with 4 hens, I moved the banty there and now he's happy. He's still adapting, not easy for him since the hens are standard size.
If your cochin rooster is tame and easy going, your banty might be ok but these situations are constantly changing since the dynamic of the flock changes as well.
All roosters have their different personalities and preferences as to what they want to do, and we cannot foresee how they will act. If they are raised together from day one, then it is a possibility that it won't be a large problem; albeit fights will always occur if you have multiple roosters together. I currently have a Blue Cochin Bantam cockerel (Slate), a Buff-Laced Polish cockerel (Winter), and a Speckled Sussex cockerel (Orchid) together. Somehow, Slate manages to be the top cockerel of the flock, perhaps because he is so annoying and is so into himself that he has scared the large fowl. Quite funny, honestly.

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