Raising Baby Chick-Along

Well, as I've said before, I'm replacing the roof on my house. My city requires an inspector come and approve the work once the plywood decking is on. They usually require a 2 day lead - call and say you are ready, and they will call back with an appt for 2 days later. We called around 4pm yesterday, thinking we had until tomorrow to get all roosters off my property. Well the guy gave us a 2 1/2 hour warning - called at 7, saying he'd be here before noon. I loaded my truck with all the roos in dog kennels. We drove off when he arrived. Guy was awesome - Showed up around 9:15, checked out the roof and never looked at anything else. Told us he was RETIRING TODAY, and he'd always wanted to come up our driveway to see what was up here, but never had a reason. When he saw the ticket with our address, he volunteered to come out. He was super nice. Signed off on the roof and never said a THING about my chickens.

Well, my mom was the one that drove off with the roos, she saw the inspector leave, so came home. I had 5 set off by themselves to go the processing place today - I called and they said they only process on Sat and Sun now. So, I found someone local that takes roos and processes them for his family. But while we were working that out, my roofer stopped by to pick up the money for the supplies. He grew up with chickens. He saw the roos that were on our porch and asked for 1 or 2. So, I split the cage of 5 set for the stew pot and gave 2 to him (to live in his yard, not necessarily be eaten), and sent the other 3 locally. Turns out the local guy's breeding roo just died, so he might end up keeping at least 1 of the ones I sent over as a roo for his flock, not just dinner. So 5 set to die, at least 3 get spared the dinner table for a little longer!!

The rest got put back in their isolation areas in the back coop and the garage. I hope to have takers for my silkies and for my Sebrights. I still don't know what to do with the Bantam EE's or the Seramas. They are so TINY.
I love when things like this happen! So great you were able to rehome some boys! I kind of wondered the same thing about my extra SB boys...not much meat on them...but bantams would be even less! Well, folks eat quail...
Making friends with chicks who haven't had nearly enough human contact...the saga begins. Liz and I sat out in the coop/run currently housing our gold, lemon and silver East Frisians. (The youngest of the young.) We had a little bread, and hoped to convince them that their screaming in terror every time we approached them was, perhaps, a bit over dramatic. L caught a young cockerel (almost always the best place to start because they're more fearless) and offered him a small piece of bread. No luck. She put it close to his beak. No luck. She opened his beak and put it in. He spit it out. No luck. She opened his beak again and set the piece of bread inside. He sat very still - small piece of bread in his beak. He looked up at L. He looked up at me. She gently put him down. He walked just far enough away to be out of the "catching zone" and spit it out. No luck. Guess we need to buy more mealworms!
I love when things like this happen! So great you were able to rehome some boys! I kind of wondered the same thing about my extra SB boys...not much meat on them...but bantams would be even less! Well, folks eat quail...

Thanks!! Bantams I thought would be impossible to rehome, but I had someone take 5 of them. He wanted roosters that were somewhat quiet. He loves to hear the crow, but he doesn't want to annoy his neighbors. He took 2 Sebrights, 1 bantam EE and the 2 Seramas. I know the Seramas are super quiet crowers, the sebrights aren't crowing yet, and this EE was the quetest of the bunch. But they should all be quieter than full size roo's. He might want one more Sebright.
Thanks!! Bantams I thought would be impossible to rehome, but I had someone take 5 of them. He wanted roosters that were somewhat quiet. He loves to hear the crow, but he doesn't want to annoy his neighbors. He took 2 Sebrights, 1 bantam EE and the 2 Seramas. I know the Seramas are super quiet crowers, the sebrights aren't crowing yet, and this EE was the quetest of the bunch. But they should all be quieter than full size roo's. He might want one more Sebright.

My sebright at serama boys have had pretty good lungs! Lol
Back home today with mixed reviews on adult children taking care of chickens...thankfully they're all alive! (Kids and chickens!) I can't believe how much growth can happen with chicks in just 8 days!! I can completely distinguish cockerels from pullets with the Frisian Gulls, and one of the Silverudd's Blues I put in the bachelor pad is a bachelorette instead!! I will have to wait until tonight and put her in the correct pen!!
Anyway, here's a pic from our adventure!
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Welcome home! Glad to hear everyone survived your absence..LOL!!! I think you may have been hiking in my neck of the woods..or mountain..LOL!!!! Beautiful view! AWESOME to get out and enjoy all that nature has to offer!
Oops, I suppose I will get a call from him, or see them on Craigslist if they do turn out to be loud. As long as he doesn't want me to take them back, I"m good.

Oh they are definitely more quiet than full size, but they sure try to sound bigger than they are! Really depends on how much it carries. Sounds like he knew what he was doing and was taking the risk in getting bantam boys, so I'd bet he won't come back on you.
My 2 serama mommas Sara and Carrie, finally brought their 5 chicks out into the run today. 3 weeks old.


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