Raising Baby Chick-Along

Awww - precious littles!! Tell us about them! Breeds? Where you got them? Plans for them? If you can describe wing/tail feather growth, there are folks on here that can give you a pretty good idea of how old they are. Welcome!! :frowSo glad you've joined us!

Thanks, I dont know their breeds, I got them from the local feed store, they had the chicks categorized in broilers and Layers, I got layers, apparently they are of sorted breeds, and I chose them based on their markings, so I could tell them apart, about the wing/tail growth, some of them only have a few and short primary feathers on their wings but not in their tails, some have a lot of feathers in their wings, but not on their tail and some have both feathers on their wings and tail, but there is not really much of a size difference between the chicks.
Thanks, I dont know their breeds, I got them from the local feed store, they had the chicks categorized in broilers and Layers, I got layers, apparently they are of sorted breeds, and I chose them based on their markings, so I could tell them apart, about the wing/tail growth, some of them only have a few and short primary feathers on their wings but not in their tails, some have a lot of feathers in their wings, but not on their tail and some have both feathers on their wings and tail, but there is not really much of a size difference between the chicks.
Okay, here's my very best farm store guess as to the breeds you have (I loved researching them as I acquired them...it probably should have been the other way around...research, then acquire - but hey, I was just happy to have some littles! :) )
I think your black one is a Barred Rock, your red-ish chipmunk stripes are probably Rhode Island Reds, your downy yellow is probably a white Leghorn, and then you might have some Golden Sex Links in there too (sometimes called Red Stars, Golden Comets, etc)
Anyone else want to weigh in?
I'm thinking 1-1/2 to 2 weeks old.
I love a good baby chick thread! :caf Here are some of my little ones - (various colours of Orpington and Pekin Bantams)


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