Raising Baby Chick-Along


Not so very little and not at all fluffy anymore. Spent their first night in the just secured henhouse. Went very well. More rain coming, so I'm off to caulk and get another tarp over it before tonight.

Babies no more. These are young pullets, and probably a few young cockerels. They have so much fun with the bugs and small reptiles they find in the grass. Learning to use roosts and nipple waterers. Made it through their first thunderstorm last night.

Congrats---they look fantastic!!! :love

Babies no more. These are young pullets, and probably a few young cockerels. They have so much fun with the bugs and small reptiles they find in the grass. Learning to use roosts and nipple waterers. Made it through their first thunderstorm last night.
Wow! Always amazing how quickly they grow! I really love when they're finally "out of the coop" during the day, exploring, eating all kinds of vermin, deciding who will be boss, etc! So great...but I think you might just need a few more! :)
We had one more quick vacation - this time with the whole family. When we got home, one of my little, not-so-little, gold East Frisian Gulls was stuck between the two layers of wire I have around the bottom of their run (one layer is deep in the ground, the other is just regular welded wire fence). At first glance, it looked like she was a gonner - just stuck there about a foot off the ground. As I got closer, she blinked. She was so stuck, she couldn't move her head, wings, anything! Getting her out was like solving one of those brain teaser puzzles... first, you lower the right wing, then you tuck the left foot up, then...no,no,no...tuck the right foot, raise the right wing... I have no idea how she got herself so stuck! Once freed, she got herself over to the water for a much needed drink - poor thing! Guess we can't call her "Houdini"!
Wow! Always amazing how quickly they grow! I really love when they're finally "out of the coop" during the day, exploring, eating all kinds of vermin, deciding who will be boss, etc! So great...but I think you might just need a few more! :)

Don't encourage me!

We had one more quick vacation - this time with the whole family. When we got home, one of my little, not-so-little, gold East Frisian Gulls was stuck between the two layers of wire I have around the bottom of their run (one layer is deep in the ground, the other is just regular welded wire fence). At first glance, it looked like she was a gonner - just stuck there about a foot off the ground. As I got closer, she blinked. She was so stuck, she couldn't move her head, wings, anything! Getting her out was like solving one of those brain teaser puzzles... first, you lower the right wing, then you tuck the left foot up, then...no,no,no...tuck the right foot, raise the right wing... I have no idea how she got herself so stuck! Once freed, she got herself over to the water for a much needed drink - poor thing! Guess we can't call her "Houdini"!

Houdini died trying another escape trick. just sayin' . . .

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