Raising Baby Chick-Along

Thanks, getting 10 Speckled Sussex pullets and 2 cockerels! As well as 10 Buff Lace pullets and 2 cockerels. Doing a massive coop build ( biggest ever for me) and i have a small brooder until they get a bit bigger. I have the frames for two walls up and the other two go up tomorrow, if it doesn't rain in the evening. I have to wait for neighbor to get off work as i cannot do it alone. Very excited to get back into it!

:frow Speckled Sussex was a breed I considered. Maybe some day!
Post some coop pics when you get a chance.
I'm pretty sure she overheard the conversation through an open front window and made herself scarce!!
Hmmm...interesting...Will it be a "top-hatted, speckled snake eater"? THSSN (you know how we love our abbreviations on BYC!)
I just raise guineas with chickens so they learn to return to the coop. I am hoping for a poor man's version of Tolbundt Polish.
:frow Speckled Sussex was a breed I considered. Maybe some day!
Post some coop pics when you get a chance.
Ok... 20170729_184320.jpg 20170729_184320.jpg 20170801_141123.jpg it does not look like much yet, but building it myself in this heat was a lot of work. Did i mention next two walls sceduled to go up tomorrow. Hell, i just realised i forgot to shut the shed door and it is pouring cats and dogs out there!


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Not so very little and not at all fluffy anymore. Spent their first night in the just secured henhouse. Went very well. More rain coming, so I'm off to caulk and get another tarp over it before tonight.
I'm tellin ya...if my hardware store EVER runs out of tarps, bungie cords and zipties, ya'll are gonna feel the earth shake! :sick
I hatched some SS the end of March. I think 3 hatch, it looks like 2 girls and 1 boy. But, the boy hasn't crowed....not once. Every other boy I hatched in that bunch are long gone, since they were crowing. He gets to stay around as long as he stays quiet. But, if anyone else wants him, they can have him!
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Hey - a question - a while back, I moved chicks in with older chicks. They did fine for a week, then one got stuck in a corner and the other birds plucked him clean. He was plucked better than I plucked the ones I slaughtered. I moved him inside with the bantam babies, and all his feathers have grown back curly. It's been a few months. He wasn't frizzled before he got plucked. Has anyone else had something like that happen?
I have heard of birds becoming frizzled due to lack of protein. Maybe the stress of having all his feathers plucked plus trying to grow caused it. And i never had young chicks do that so now i am really wondering what you are feeding and if they are getting enough quality and quantity of feed.
Hey - a question - a while back, I moved chicks in with older chicks. They did fine for a week, then one got stuck in a corner and the other birds plucked him clean. He was plucked better than I plucked the ones I slaughtered. I moved him inside with the bantam babies, and all his feathers have grown back curly. It's been a few months. He wasn't frizzled before he got plucked. Has anyone else had something like that happen?

that's a new one on me!
I hatched some SS the end of March. I think 3 hatch, it looks like 2 girls and 1 boy. But, the boy hasn't crowed....not once. Every other boy I hatched in that bunch are long gone, since they were crowing. He gets to stay around as long as he stays quiet. But, if anyone else wants him, they can have him!
Ooh, maybe you can raise some little speckled babies!!

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