Raising Baby Chick-Along

Don't encourage me!

Houdini died trying another escape trick. just sayin' . . .
Well, you know what the Borg chicks say...

You must have MORE!! :lau
We had one more quick vacation - this time with the whole family. When we got home, one of my little, not-so-little, gold East Frisian Gulls was stuck between the two layers of wire I have around the bottom of their run (one layer is deep in the ground, the other is just regular welded wire fence). At first glance, it looked like she was a gonner - just stuck there about a foot off the ground. As I got closer, she blinked. She was so stuck, she couldn't move her head, wings, anything! Getting her out was like solving one of those brain teaser puzzles... first, you lower the right wing, then you tuck the left foot up, then...no,no,no...tuck the right foot, raise the right wing... I have no idea how she got herself so stuck! Once freed, she got herself over to the water for a much needed drink - poor thing! Guess we can't call her "Houdini"!

Too funny, and i know exactly that puzzle. I have 2 serama babies that still haven't gotten the concept of the ladder at night. They have been squeezing thru the wire, and out of the pen, to cry *under* the nest box that momma and siblings are in. So the night before last, i go out, and one is stuck in an octagon of the chicken wire. Head and wings out, big butt won't fit now! i think one leg was also thru the hole. i tried pushing her on through, tried pushing her back, finally just cut the wire to free her, and stitched it back up. Silly chick.

OK! You're incorrigible! My bater is closed for the season!!!!!:smack

Hahahaha that's what we all say! :lau
Too funny, and i know exactly that puzzle. I have 2 serama babies that still haven't gotten the concept of the ladder at night. They have been squeezing thru the wire, and out of the pen, to cry *under* the nest box that momma and siblings are in. So the night before last, i go out, and one is stuck in an octagon of the chicken wire. Head and wings out, big butt won't fit now! i think one leg was also thru the hole. i tried pushing her on through, tried pushing her back, finally just cut the wire to free her, and stitched it back up. Silly chick.

Hahahaha that's what we all say! :lau
:lauOh my goodness!! Haha! Silly things! I came really close to cutting wire myself. Thankfully there was welded wire on one side, so I could configure her little self a bit easier.
My bators are still on the shelf, but for some reason, eggs keep going under broody hens. I'm not incubating, they are. Okay, we all know about chicken math - how's that for chicken logic!
Thanks, getting 10 Speckled Sussex pullets and 2 cockerels! As well as 10 Buff Lace pullets and 2 cockerels. Doing a massive coop build ( biggest ever for me) and i have a small brooder until they get a bit bigger. I have the frames for two walls up and the other two go up tomorrow, if it doesn't rain in the evening. I have to wait for neighbor to get off work as i cannot do it alone. Very excited to get back into it!
I love, love, love my SS girls!! At one point I was seriously looking for a rooster for them, but finAlly decided i should probably focus on the breeding groups I already have first. (Being a responsible adult is not always terribly entertaining.)
One of our SS hens is named "Bratt" (they were all named after a variety of dolls) but she is also known as "front yard chicken" because every morning after I let her out, she hops the fence and makes a huge mess of our front flower bed landscape bark. My husband asked me to sell her, so I did. Or, um, I thought I did. After I sold 2 of my SS hens, I told my DH his landscaping was safe now... until the next morning... darn it. I sold the wrong ones!! So, front yard chicken remains.
What a shame, your messy chicken got overlooked when you were selling those others.:lau
I had a devious thought. What if i put a Polish rooster and a couple of Speckled Sussex hens in with the guineas when they catch up in growth? I could work on that project i always wanted to! Genius!
What a shame, your messy chicken got overlooked when you were selling those others.:lau
I had a devious thought. What if i put a Polish rooster and a couple of Speckled Sussex hens in with the guineas when they catch up in growth? I could work on that project i always wanted to! Genius!
I'm pretty sure she overheard the conversation through an open front window and made herself scarce!!
Hmmm...interesting...Will it be a "top-hatted, speckled snake eater"? THSSN (you know how we love our abbreviations on BYC!)

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