My June chicks will be 23 weeks old tomorrow, and Reba (my RIR) laid her first egg today!! She’s been looking ready for a couple of weeks now. Since my older hens have been molting, I haven’t had a single egg in over a month. I’m very pleased with her! It’s a beauty, too.
One my my July chicks, the Olive Egger, has become quite the problem child. It’s very obvious, now that she’s mostly the mature, that she is a CCL/Welsummer cross. She is INSANE. I can’t get anywhere near her, and she is extremely flighty. For the last two days, she has been living the free range lifestyle because she flew over the run fence and won’t re-join her flock, despite my best efforts. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with her; everyone else got their wings clipped this morning, so at least they won’t be hopping the fence to join her...