Raising Pigeons

Here are some of my fantails, these are not Indian Fantails, these are Standard Fantails.



Well I have some bad news, my pigeons quit sitting on the lone egg yesterday. I don't know why. We had decided against moving them to there nice spacious condo until after the squeaker was old enough to move so everything remained the same. We didn't change anything so its a mystery as to why this happened. Boy I have a lot to learn about pigeons. Its kinda sad because we were looking forward to having a baby.
Maybe next time:fl
Sometimes they will do that especially if the Hen senses that the chick has died in the shell, or something scares them off the nest at night. I would move them now to the new spot and let them get settled in. Don't worry they will get down to business shortly.
Sometimes they will do that especially if the Hen senses that the chick has died in the shell, or something scares them off the nest at night. I would move them now to the new spot and let them get settled in. Don't worry they will get down to business shortly.

Yeah after them leaving the nest we will be moving them now. Hopefully the next time we will get a couple of squeakers. The only thing I can think of is that the last couple of days have been bitter cold. I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not. Oh well, looking forward to the next time.
Well we got the condo moved closer to the house. This was eaiser said than done. We have it to where if there is a predator one of my dogs can alert us to any danger. The dog is not close enough to disturb the pigeons but close enough to alert us of any problems. We moved them tonight so tomorow they will wake up to a new enviroment and hopefully they will enjoy there new home. I'm hoping they will like it anyway. Time will tell. Maybe they will lay some more eggs soon and actually hatch them. Tomorrow we are going to fill the bottom with pine straw and maybe a little hay so that can build there own nest. I'm so excited about there new condo I want to be out there when they wake up to see there reaction. Thanks for all the info ya'll. I know I will probably have a million more questions. Hope you guys don't get tired of me asking.
Bless you guys being such good sports.
My pigeons seem to like there new home. Lots of ledges and perches to fly to. I have them two nesting boxes like ya'll sugested. I wanted to share an observation I have made watching them build there nest. The male will bring a piece of pine straw to the female. She will take the pine straw and if she likes it she will give it back to the male to take to the nest. If she doesn't approve she will drop that peice and the male will go back for another peice. This has been amazing to watch.

I have a question. I have really long hair and when I clean out my hair brush I through my hair outside. Every year we find bird nest that have used my hair in there nest. Would this be needed for a pigeon. Just wondering? I know it's cool to see my hair in the bird nest we find. It's like they use it like rope.
Pigeons are not the greatest nest builders. You can try it, but I doubt they will use it as they just build a bunch of twigs or grass together. You can put some tobacco twigs in the nest to help control mites and lice. Also you can use something like a clay dish used for holding water in the bottom of a flower pot for a nest bowl for them to help give them some structure to hold the nest together.

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