Raising Wood Ducks

any baby duck wants to be in the water right away it seems xD

They are very cute and do remind me of mallards, but I'm not a duck expert. In a few days you could offer a small bowl with water and food in it, they'll get to eat and splash a little. Anywho, they're very cute and love that they survived <3
To me they appear to be too big for teal, plus they said the eggs were large. They are not wood ducks. I did rescue some mallard ducklings before, and they were tiny but I did not get any pictures of them, and unfortunately none survived... Hopefully you can figure this out!
They definitely aren't wood ducks. I'm not exactly sure what they could be, where are you located that may help it is good that they are already drinking!
I'm near Minneapolis, Minnesota. We always have mallards wandering through the yard in the spring. I'd never heard of mallards nesting in trees, but apparently they can. I thought the eggs were really large because we'd never seen eggs this size fall out of a tree before...seen robins eggs, finch eggs, cardinal eggs, that kind of thing so these seemed huge and having a duck nest 20 food in the air was so far off the radar we didn't even consider it. They were really about the size of a decent sized chicken egg only more elongated. I was disappointed they aren't woody's, they're my favorite duck...but I love mallards too and these two are so cute!! I'm interested in any and all advice to keep these two healthy and happy!!!
Mothgal You will just have to raise them to adults so we all know for sure.LOL! It is YOU that did such a great job.Congrats. We just try to help the best we can with what we are told or shown. But whatever they turn out to be they really only have to have water to drink for now.They dont have to get in it and possibly get chilled and have problems. First week I like mine dry. Then put them in something and let them swim around some. Its too cute! Plus it helps them to get to preening and using the oil gland on the top of the tail for better waterproofing for longer swimming sessions. Since they are eating and drinking already the hardest battle is over./ Just keep them dry for a week and have continued success! BTW great pics and I forgot
Shawn PS You dont have to but If you wanted to add some hardboiled egg yolk mixed in with their food I feel it helps on the first coupla days. Just my own opinion here.
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Thanks, Shawn! The little guys are just amazing. I put some feed in the water dispenser (we picked up a small poultry water dispenser the the ring around it) and they love to forage for it. They started climbing in and foraging all around the ring for food, so I quit that, but still float some chopped up lettuce on the water which they love to pick at. They're still climbing in the water and dipping in it...but they're ducks, right? They are imprinting on us pretty heavily (my daughter especially...she's fallen head over heels for them, and quite frankly, I'm not far behind) and I'm a little concerned about that...that they won't leave when it's time to leave. We'll be bringing them outside in a week or so for short periods of time as they grow until we can leave them safely outside in a fenced area. We have a pretty large hawk population here (red tails and coopers) and I don't want to go through all this just to lose one on it's first day outside to a hawk. We've also got a bald eagle we've seen from time to time. My ideal situation would be that we raise them and then release them to live a life of a good mallard. I'm afraid they'll imprint and become dependent and not migrate. Personally, I'd be happy to give them a forever home. We'll see what happens I guess.
So we've established our little peeps aren't wood ducks so maybe I shouldn't be continuing on this thread, but you all have been so helpful! I have a couple more questions: the little guys are pretty much hanging out in the water dish. I know they're ducks and like the water but I'm worried about them getting chilled, although they seem top be just fine. I have a small poultry water dispenser with the ring around it, they like to get in it and run around and around with their bills in it. Instinct, I'm sure, but should I worry? I know their feathers aren't waterproof yet. Also, I read that they love peas and corn and fruit...is it too early to feed them these things? What about grapes? I can cut them all up. They love romaine lettuce and we've put grass in with them, they love rooting around in it. I'm still moistening the feed for them, when do I stop doing that? And finally, when and how do I start bringing them outside. I have some ideas but I want to hear all the advice from here to make sure they're safe and happy. They sure seem to love their people parents! This was taken yesterday afternoon.
The others may have to help you on the veggies and fruits choices.I just feed mine bagged feed when growing up till feathered. For waterers I use the ones made for quail so they cant try and get wet in it. I have used several different starter foods over the years Purina flockstarter, Nutrena gamebird maintainence, or Mazuri waterfowl starter( which is what I consider to be the best if you can get it). to name a few that will work. Then at the first sign of wing feathers they get layer pellets. You can keep us updated here or if you like start your own thread.

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