This guy who suggested putting a block under the foot of the ramp has got it. You might even stack two blocks under the foot and put one block directly in front of the foot so he has a little step up. This was done to my coop ramp to accommodate the stumpier legged chickens that couldn't do inclines so well and it works great.

You can use 1 x 8 boards as rails on each side of his ramp. Another 4 inches width to your current ramp should be plenty for him. I've used generic vet wrap on roosts for old birds and they really seem to appreciate it. However, you have to replace the wrap every week to keep it relatively clean. Chickens can't grip the roost like parrots and when chickens perch, they really perch as in they are balancing on the roost. I've noticed my old timers like to hunker down on something solid instead of perching on the roost for the night, so providing Kingly a platform to sleep on might just be the thing for him!

Treated 4 x 4 work great for a place for old feet. Note how they are inserted in the block. I often find my old gals sitting on the blocks, too. Your Kingly might appreciate large, flat items to sit on.
You can use 1 x 8 boards as rails on each side of his ramp. Another 4 inches width to your current ramp should be plenty for him. I've used generic vet wrap on roosts for old birds and they really seem to appreciate it. However, you have to replace the wrap every week to keep it relatively clean. Chickens can't grip the roost like parrots and when chickens perch, they really perch as in they are balancing on the roost. I've noticed my old timers like to hunker down on something solid instead of perching on the roost for the night, so providing Kingly a platform to sleep on might just be the thing for him!

Treated 4 x 4 work great for a place for old feet. Note how they are inserted in the block. I often find my old gals sitting on the blocks, too. Your Kingly might appreciate large, flat items to sit on.
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Yes, 20". How much of a space do they need?

I think just tall enough for them to walk under and they can use it for shade, protection or dust bathing.

Yeah, but....you may need to be able to get under there, keep that in mind. ;)
Plus lowering the coop would be much more work than modifying the ramp.
I want to thank each and everyone one of you that expressed your concern and shared your advice and suggestions for Kingy. Your thoughtfulness and kindness have not only helped me to work through this but also, with Kingy.
It was my neglect in not caring for the coop and Kingy until I saw him losing his balance and not perching; which by the way, he is still taking the prednisolone in a very small dose of 2.5mg daily for one more week. Not showing improvement but he's perked up some.
However, I did follow-up on some of the suggestions given. The ramp unfortunately, was somewhat buried with all the dirt they've been digging around it so I think it did sink a little which made the ramp steeper. We've added more slats or strips of wood in-between the existing ones giving it about a ~2"-2 1/2" step. Also added a brick at bottom to lessen the slope. The first day, I think Kingy was surprised that he could actually walked briskly up the ramp without falling! Everyday after that, he's still kinda hesitant to take that initial step (which we'll have to improve) but once he does, he can easily go into the coop!!! Oh, I'm so happy and so relieved!! But our work is not done. This weekend, we'll lower the coop by half. He's not getting any younger and I just want him to be happy and live comfortably. You guys are amazing! Now I'll need to find out how to make his bedding more comfortable as he sleeps on the floor of the coop. Will create another thread. Special Thanks to all of you!!!
I want to thank each and everyone one of you that expressed your concern and shared your advice and suggestions for Kingy. Your thoughtfulness and kindness have not only helped me to work through this but also, with Kingy.
It was my neglect in not caring for the coop and Kingy until I saw him losing his balance and not perching; which by the way, he is still taking the prednisolone in a very small dose of 2.5mg daily for one more week. Not showing improvement but he's perked up some.
However, I did follow-up on some of the suggestions given. The ramp unfortunately, was somewhat buried with all the dirt they've been digging around it so I think it did sink a little which made the ramp steeper. We've added more slats or strips of wood in-between the existing ones giving it about a ~2"-2 1/2" step. Also added a brick at bottom to lessen the slope. The first day, I think Kingy was surprised that he could actually walked briskly up the ramp without falling! Everyday after that, he's still kinda hesitant to take that initial step (which we'll have to improve) but once he does, he can easily go into the coop!!! Oh, I'm so happy and so relieved!! But our work is not done. This weekend, we'll lower the coop by half. He's not getting any younger and I just want him to be happy and live comfortably. You guys are amazing! Now I'll need to find out how to make his bedding more comfortable as he sleeps on the floor of the coop. Will create another thread. Special Thanks to all of you!!!
Thank you for the descriptive update! So heartwarming to picture Kingy getting on so well with your help. :love Seems like the elderly of most species appreciate a gentle slope, I know I do!:lol:

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