RAMPS...spiral, flat, stairs PICS Please!

So I have a Dilemma are my stairs to steep ? My 6 week old chicks just moved out to the coop. we just built it and they seem to not like the steps ( I think they are too steep ) should I remove them and have boards with rungs??? I have two silkies too. or do I just need to let them figure it out 🤣 and stop helicopter chicken parent!? … here’s my steps
Give them time to figure it out. At present, the chicks likely have no incentive to want to go into the coop. You may need to provide one. Meal worms usually convince chickens they want to go whereever the meal worm lands.
Recently swapped out the 2"x10"x10' ramp leading into the coop, for a "branch ladder". Did it mainly to make more floor space, also seems more natural for the chickens to use vs the ramp; none of the chickens have issues getting up/down it, not even the tiny silkies.


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