Random facts

Heeyyyy it's me with another not so fun fact this time about eels *gags*

Ok I absolutely hate eels... but they are pretty cool.

These nasty little water snakes have confused scientists for many years. They can't find any genitals at all. AT ALL. HOW. Someone looked through like 1000+ and couldn't find a single one. And what's even worse is we don't know where they lay their eggs. Like we have no idea. We have TRACKED THEM and we still don't know. Insane. Oh, and certain types have electricity? The egyptians used it to cure pain, but W H A T. Electricity before electricity was a thing. How did it evolve this?? We do not know. We know like nothing about them. The only type I like is the ribbon eel. It's pretty. It's so very confusing because thin???? It's like one of those superthin screens. You know, the flexible ones? Like HOW do the organs fit in there??? Mk I can't even talk about eels anymore they are disGUSTING

Oh and another thing WHAT IN THE EVERLOVING is the snipe eel??? I HATE it?? Euuughhhh

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