RANT - she stole my ribbons! ( slightly long)


I Am THE Crazy Duck Lady
11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
I know im about to sound like some little 12 year old who got pushed down on the playground and over reacted but I am so steamed right now.

Well I have been thinking about going into photography for a while now, but i havent really had any "proffessional"
views. So i entered a few of my pictures into a local photography contest. I entered seven colored and was looking for my black and white photo that i really liked but i couldnt find it on my camera or on my computer.

Entering my photos, I found out a few days later that I had won first, second, third, and honorable mention with my photos. I was thrilled because now theywould be going to the district competition.

I went into the YMCA gym where the pictures were on display and decided to look around since i knew a couple of the other people who had entered. When I looked at the black and white photos I had to do a double take.... there was my picture - with a second place ribbon on it. Looking at the name of the entrant i saw it was on of my "best friends".

I confronted her about it, because i take stealing seriously - but i was stupid and let it go when she said she would take it out of the district competition.

She kept "her' second place ribbon. I went to the state competition. I had won nothing,
, but then the intercom came on, announcing the winners. My "friend's picture won first. Not only did she steal my picture - but she won two ribbons with it and i was still too stupid to tell the judges / staff about it.

I refused to talk to her for about a month, but I cant hold a grudge - so i attempted to be friends with her again.
I cant just drop her because ive known her for five years and she is very wound into my life.

Now, a week ago, she won a certificate for MY picture.

On part its my fault for not telling the people in charge of the show , but its her fault for being a backstabbing friend and stealing from me.

Sorry this is long, just had to rant.
How Rude I'd be PO'ed, but probably would let her walk all over me, I seem to do that. But My Hubby on the other had would Have had a fit if someone did that to me!

I'm sorry she stole your picture, I hope she realizes how wrong she was, and tries to apologize.
Girl! I've seen your photos and you know I think you are brilliant! That makes me SO UPSET that your "Friend" did that to you. I hope you realize she's not a true friend to do that to you.... that IS truely stealing and she'll do it again... may not be in the same way or stealing of photos again but she sounds like she's too lazy to actually do he rown work so stealing from someone tallented is way better. Grr.
Wow, if she will steal a picture from you, take credit for it, etc. what else will she steal? How can you possibly even consider still being friends with someone like this? You will NEVER be able to trust her again. If she had done the "right" thing, and wanted to make things ok with you, she would have not accepted the first ribbon, owned up to what she did, and NEVER have entered the other competition. Because she DID continue to decieve you and the judges and everyone else, that goes to show you her real character. Some people deserve to be forgiven and given a second chance. You already gave her one the first time you confronted her. She ignored you, walked all over you, and used you to continue her quest for "fame"with entering the photo again.

Why on earth do you still want to be friends with someone like this? You disrespect yourself to even consider it, much less do it.

My opinion only. Sorry to hear that happened to you, but please don't give her any more opportunity to do this again!!

Thanks ya'll. its gotten to the point that we arent close friend anymore. We are somwhat friends. Its just hard for me to dropher all together. She is one of those people who has no real friends, only ones that use her ( ive had to take care of them for her ) and Id like for her to have at least one true friend ( me ) but i dont see that happening with the way she thinks she needs to treat me.
and thank you so much Monarc23! That made me smile
"forgive those who tresspass against us" You're doing a good job of that. Well just be careful and don't let her near your work! LOL! It's wonderful of you to be that friend she does need, hopefully you can make her see that she can get respect that she is obviously looking for through you...NOT through your work!
And you are welcome LOL
Its just hard for me to fully let go. Im one of those poeple that has a few close friends rather than a bunch of people who call themselves my friend. And for one of those friends toturn is just a dent in my tin mug.
She is not your friend. She never was.

She is a thief and you need to report her.

If you let her walk all over you then she will walk over others.

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